Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Marvel Animated Universe Wiki
Real Name Vision
Powers and Abilities Density Control
Incredible Strength and Durability
Team Affiliations Avengers
Allies Fantastic Four
Family and Friends Ultron (Creator)
Scarlet Witch (Girlfriend)

Vision is a robot superhero and member of the Avengers.


Vision is an android created by the sentient robot, Ultron. He battle against the Avengers and Falcon on Ultron's orders. When Ultron captured Wonder Man, Ant-Man reprogrammed Vision with Wonder Man's brain patterns. As a result, Vision falls in love with Scarlet Witch. Wanda seems to feel the same way but doesn’t want to betray Wonder Man.

Upon seeing how much Wanda loves Wonder Man, he decides to use himself as bait to lure Ultron out. Wanda disapproves because she doesn’t want to lose Vision too. Vision goes on with the plan anyway. It works, and the Avengers now have Wonder Man's body. They try many technological means to revive him but none work.

Wanda then realizes that if technology won’t work, maybe mysticism will. Wanda and Vision go to Wanda's old mentor Agatha Harkness, but she reveals that a great evil that she must battle is approaching. The evil is Agatha's son, Nicholas Scratch. Scratch kidnaps his own mother. Scratch plans an unfair trial for his mother where she would be sentenced to death, fortunately, Agatha granted her powers to Wanda so that she could defeat Scratch before he killed her. Wanda also uses these powers to revive Wonder Man at last.

Wanda and Wonder Man start to date again after that. Wanda, however, still has feelings for Vision. After defeating Zodiac, Wanda tells Wonder Man how she feels. He tells her that there is only one option, for her to go back to Vision. She and Vision get back together.

Later, the original members Iron Man and Captain America rejoin the team along with many others. When Ego causes massive damage across the Earth, Vision and the Avengers help the Fantastic Four save citizens of New York City.


Vision was voiced by Ron Rubin on The Avengers: United They Stand. His appearance on Fantastic Four was unvoiced.

First speaking version of the character outside the comics. The version seen in Spider-Man was an unvoiced cameo.

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