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Marvel Database

Quote1 Their destiny is their own. If they are strong...they will survive. If not...then they will die. Quote2

Appearing in "First to Last Part 2"

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Synopsis for "First to Last Part 2"

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“FIRST TO LAST” Who are the Evolutionaries and why doesn’t anyone remember when they fought Xavier and his original five X-Men? Cyclops and his crew on Utopia better figure out quick or the Evolutionaries are going to wipe out every human

on the planet. That’s right, every HUMAN. Two issues of this huge story this month both showing X-Men/Evolutionary actionin the past and in the present. And it’s all thanks to Christopher Yost (X-FORCE), amazing regular artist Paco Medina and the always classic Dalibor Talijic (HITMONKEY)! Parts 2 and 3 (of 5)

See Also

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