Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Meet X-Men Red. The X-Men of Mars. Quote2
—Commander Brand[src]


Wanting to exert more control over Arakko as the new capital of the Sol System, Abigail Brand decided to form her own X-Men team to police the Arakkii. She initially tried to recruit Storm, but Storm turned her down believing the Arakkii needed representation rather than monitoring.[2] Brand then recruited Vulcan to her X-Men to add the prestige of having a Summers brother on her team. However, immediately after forming the team, Manifold resigned because he disagreed with Brand's reasoning for forming her team. During one of their first missions, Cable was killed and the X-Men Red had to be rescued from the Progenitors attacking the Morrowlands by the Brotherhood of Arakko.[1]



See Also

Links and References

