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Quote1 Do these two alone think to thwart -- Kierrok, the Shatterer of Souls? Quote2

Appearing in "Lair of the N'Garai"

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Synopsis for "Lair of the N'Garai"

Wolverine is prowling the woods around the Xavier Institute when he senses something is amiss. He discovers the Cairn, a mystical portal that has caused trouble before. Realizing something dangerous came through, Logan follows the tracks of a menacing creature heading towards the X-Men. He finds and battles a N’Garai demon to protect his fellow X-Men.

Meanwhile, at the Xavier Institute, the X-Men and their guest Nightcrawler are repairing the Blackbird when an alarm goes off. They detect the N’Garai's presence and learn that Logan is missing. Worried, Nightcrawler enters the Cairn to find him. Inside, Kurt encounters Logan fighting the demons and struggling to control his feral instincts.

Logan gets wounded during the battle, but the demons are eventually defeated. Kurt tries to stop Logan from going back through the Cairn to confront their leader, Kierrok, but Logan is determined to finish the fight. Kierrok appears, warning them of his plans to invade Earth and disappears with the Cairn. An explosion separates Logan from the X-Men, leaving them concerned about his well-being. Logan struggles with his violent urges and wonders if he can control the killing rage inside him.

Appearing in "What The Cat Dragged In"

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Synopsis for "What The Cat Dragged In"

Outside Xavier Mansion, Wolverine finds an unconscious Maverick lying in the grass. Meanwhile, at the Canadian-American Border, a group of scientists experiment on Deadpool against his will. They begin sampling his DNA, trying to find the secret of his healing factor. Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Beast tends to Maverick, who leaves the room in search of Logan. He finds Logan roaming around the grounds of the mansion, and explains to Logan why he came here. He explains that he was attacked by an organization at his warehouse, and that they have Deadpool, and that they're coming after Logan next. Back at the Border, Dr. Westergaard, the leader of the group, oversees the experiments on Deadpool, and tries to keep her murderous employee Slayback from toying with Deadpool. Wolverine and Maverick discuss whether or not it's ethical to save Deadpool, but Maverick says he needs Deadpool's blood to cure himself of his condition. They decide to save Deadpool, and they track down the lab.

Once inside, they fight through some guards and find Deadpool. Dr. Westergaard and the guards find and ambush them. Wolverine, Maverick, and Deadpool fight their way through the men, but Slayback enters the fray and injure Deadpool. Wolverine attacks Slayback, and the two engage in a vicious brawl. Maverick helps Deadpool to his feet, but the mercenary is reluctant to rejoin the fight. Slayback begins to get the upper-hand on Wolverine, but Maverick shoots him in the back. The three smash through a window and jump out of the building, leaving an explosion behind them. They run into a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on their way out, led by G.W. Bridge. They realize that Deadpool has escaped, and Bridge berates them for losing Slayback and Deadpool. Later, back at the mansion, Beast does an analysis on some cell samples from Deadpool, who sent the samples to him. Beast finishes, and informs Maverick that the cells can't cure his condition.


Continuity Notes[]

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