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Marvel Database

Quote1 Oh #$%&! We're not ready. We're nowhere near ready for this. Quote2
Emma Frost

Appearing in "Poink is the New Bamf"

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Synopsis for "Poink is the New Bamf"

Emma sits alone outside the Extinction Team's hideout, coping with the loss of her powers and pondering over recent events when she's interrupted by the arrival of Cyclops. Emma asks him if he heard her, and he responds that he heard a little because she was projecting her thoughts. They talk about where they stand, revealing their mixed feelings for each other and their doubts about getting back together. Cyclops tells her that he wants her there because of her belief and dedication towards what they're doing and because she's an outstanding teacher, something the new mutants need. Emma agrees to stay and the two go back inside.

Inside, the team analyze footage of the Sentinels attack and the Extinction Team explain their vision and what it means to be a mutant to the new recruits. Eva expresses her wishes about visiting her mother, and after some convincing the Extinction Team agrees to take her home for a visit. Magneto remains behind, saying he has things to do. After the others leave, he calls SHIELD, telling them where the Extinction Team are going to be.

As Eva embraces her mother and is introduced to Cyclops, the reunion is interrupted by the arrival of the Avengers.

Solicit Synopsis

• There is a mole on Cyclops’ team, but who is it?

• When you hunt the UNCANNY X-MEN you use Sentinels, but when you find out WHO’S DOING THE HUNTING your jaw will drop!

See Also

Links and References

