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Marvel Database

Quote1 I don't know who did this, Indian -- yet! But when I find out, you got my word... the people responsible are gonna wish they'd never been born! Quote2

Appearing in "X-Tinction Agenda: First Strike"

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Synopsis for "X-Tinction Agenda: First Strike"

Storm is examined by Forge, but her condition of being stuck in a child’s body seems to be permanent. She renews her deep friendship with Jean Grey, who visits from X-Factor. Later the school is attacked by Genoshan troops and, surprisingly, the missing Havok is with them. Storm realizes that they are outnumbered and taken by surprise, and so she decides to lock the underground complex. By this she dooms herself, Boom-Boom, Rictor, Wolfsbane and Warlock, who are all captured and teleported to Genosha, but she ensures that at least the other halves of the teams remain free to prepare a rescue mission. In Malibu, Lila Cheney teleports back from outer space and mentions that Xavier is in terrible danger before passing out.


  • Part 1 of 9 of the X-Tinction Agenda crossover event.
  • Reprinted in copper and gold covers.

See Also

Recommended Reading

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