Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Not much is known about Ullr, beyond that he is counted among Odin's offspring and feared by the other gods.[3] It is said that he helped create magic,[1] rode a ship of bones,[1] and first stoked a fire from yew logs.[1] He was born to Gaea, making him a full brother to Thor.[2]

Thor and Loki went to Ullr's home Ydalir to create such a magic fire to delve into Thor's memories to try and learn the secret of the older gods that had begun appearing.[1]

When Thor called for a meeting of all Odin-spawn to seek the missing Tyr, Bragi summoned Ullr to the hall. Ullr teleported the group to the domain of the In-Betweener, where Tyr was held.[3]

See Also

Links and References

