Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I have been dying to ask you, are your powers limitless, or do you have to recharge? Quote2
—Tyesha Hillman-Khan[src]


During his and Tyesha's wedding reception, Kamran arrived to warn Kamala that his mother and Clandestines was coming to forcibly take the bangle from her. Worried for the lives of her friends and family, Kamala triggered the fire alarm to clear out the building ruining the end of the reception.[2]

Following the wedding, Tyesha moved in to the Khan home with Aamir. She and Aamir both learned about Kamala's superpowers when they overheard a telephone conversation between Yusuf and Muneeba on speaker phone. Tyesha, Muneeba, and Yusef were all in the crowd outside Coles Academic High School while Kamala, Aamir, and their friends were inside trying to protect Kamran from Damage Control.[3]


See Also

Links and References

