Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I am a fabrication, little man. I came to sentience as an alloy in a mold. Stolen fragments of story and myth. Copies of broken beliefs. I am not a God of Mischief, Nightcrawler of Krakoa. I am all of them. The helm of Loki. The feathers and fruit of Eris. From Huehecóyotl, this mocking maw. From Anansi, the limbs of fable and fate. Veles and Hermes, Maui and Manannán, Nanabozho and Cagn and a dozen more lost to age and apathy. I am Tumult, the Trickster Chimaera. And I disgust myself. Quote2


Tumult, the Trickster Chimaera was created as an amalgamation of dozens of other mythical tricksters and gods of mischief by Ora Serrata on Arakko. Although she worshipped him, she also despised him and misused his magic for her own ends. Tumult was eventually able to escape from Ora and found a new worshiper in Switch.[1] Empowering this lone worshiper, Tumult hid knowing that if Ora found him, she would end him with a look.[2]

Tricking Switch into possessing his body, Nightcrawler used his time trapped in Switch's body to confront Tumult and learned that Ora was his creator.[1]

Once Ora and Switch were dealt with, Tumult swapped bodies with Switch. Switch in Tumult's body was then subjected to the law of Arakko. This meant that Arakko had a chance to deem him. He was seen being attacked and seemingly (most likely) murdered by the crowd. Tumult in Switch's body left and said quietly that he was going to explore and continue to cause mischief.[3]



Those of Loki, Eris, Huehecóyotl, Anansi, Veles, Hermes, Maui, Manannán, Nanabozho, Cagn, and several other forgotten gods.[1]




  • Te Matau-a-Māui

See Also

Links and References

