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Quote1 You defiled my body. Desecrated my trust. Violated everything that I am. Is this how you define friendship? Is it? IS IT? Quote2
Thor, before hammering Iron Man into the New Orleans ground.

Appearing in "Everything Old Is New Again"

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Synopsis for "Everything Old Is New Again"

Thor starts his search for his fellow Asgardians in New Orleans. Upon arrival, he is horrified and confused at the city's state after Hurricane Katrina. When an old man known as Ezra notices him, he constantly starts scolding the thunder god on not saving them. Thor apologetically reminds Ezra of his death, though the mortal does not seem to consider this a valid excuse. Iron Man arrives, informs him of the new government registration system, and orders Thor to sign up and work for the government or face prosecution.

Thor Odinson (Earth-616) and Anthony Stark (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 3 3 0001

An angry god

Irked at Stark's arrogance, Thor violently rebukes Tony over the Civil War event and the creation of the Thor Clone with a bolt of lightning. After shrugging off a repulsor blast from Iron Man's Extremis armor, Thor informs Stark that he is "no longer holding back" and effortlessly bludgeons his former friend into the ground and orders Tony to leave Asgard alone lest he "learn the difference between a god of thunder and a mortal man in a metal suit". Battered and beaten, Tony suggests a compromise, giving Asgard in Oklahoma diplomatic immunity, and Thor walks off, leaving Tony to walk home in his destroyed armor. Thor finds Ezra on a bridge in the rain, and Ezra again criticizes the god of thunder. Ezra's niece shows up and begs Thor not to hurt him, saying that he does not mean it and has not been the same since losing his wife in the storm two years ago. Thor recognizes something in Ezra and comments that the burdens of Gods were never meant for mortals, and that even though he wishes to sleep, there is work to be done. Instructing the girl to stand back, Thor uses Mjolnir to summon Heimdall from Ezra's body. The Watchman of Bifrost is restored.

Solicit Synopsis

The Armored Avenger squares off against The God of Thunder! Tony Stark, the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., comes to Oklahoma to verify the rumors that his old friend and teammate is alive and in town... but Thor isn't rolling out the welcome mat for Iron Man! The God of Thunder would have words with the man who cloned him... and you know what that means!


  • Heimdall is discovered inhabiting the body of a New Orleans resident consumed by grief after his wife's death during Hurricane Katrina.
  • This story is reprinted in Thor Vol. 1.

See Also

Links and References

