Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Once Upon a Time in Midgard"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Religious bigots
  • Roxxon (Mentioned)

Other Characters:

  • Vikings
    • Unnamed shieldmaiden
  • Shaun
  • Bartender
  • Walter
  • Prison guards
    • Lance (First appearance)
    • Bill
  • Sorority
    • Mother Superior
    • Sister Marjorie
  • Unnamed monk
  • Soldiers and veterans
  • People in the desert
  • Fishermen
  • Walter, son of Bob (First appearance)
  • Unnamed Asgardian sentry
  • Trolls (Mentioned)
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy (Mentioned)
  • Odin (Mentioned)
  • Lady Sif (Mentioned)
  • Hercules (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



  • Mjolnir
  • Fruit of the Kandelar Tree (First appearance)
  • Melon Milk
  • Elvish Chocolates
  • Faerie Cakes
  • Roasted Dragon Shank
  • Seed of the Quasar Orchid
  • Healing Stones (Mentioned)


Synopsis for "Once Upon a Time in Midgard"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• THOR RETURNS TO MIDGARD! What does it mean to walk the Earth as a god?

• Where does Thor go and who does he see when he’s not out saving the world with the Avengers?

• Also, the return of long-time love interest, Dr. Jane Foster.

See Also

Links and References

