Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 And I need you to read this last wish in my head. This dream. Read it carefully. I almost made it work. The Guardians were more than I could ever have hoped for! But the universe is also more dangerous than I ever imagined! Look around! This is the kind of thing that can happen! The galaxy doesn't need guardians! It doesn't need brave souls! If it's going to survive another one of these, it's going to need absolute bad-asses! It's going to need the biggest guns of all! Cosmic heavy hitters as scary as the menaces they have to face! It's going to need flarking annihilators! Quote2

Appearing in "Devastation"

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Synopsis for "Devastation"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

THE THANOS IMPERATIVE is over...but who and what has survived? What happened to Thanos? What about Lord Mar-Vell and the Cancerverse? Who rules the Kree and the Shi’ar? Is anyone left to guard the galaxy? And who will hold the shattered civilizations of the Marvel Universe together in this bleak new age? Find out from the creative team that delivered the cosmic event that hailed as “Unbelievably incredible & unimaginably entertaining.”

See Also

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