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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Regretful Decisions"

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Synopsis for "Regretful Decisions"

Silver, in Ryker's Island prison, is humiliated and abused by other prisoners and guards, but she decides to take their blows without reacting so that her sentence does not get worse. The Wild Pack desperately tries to find ways to help her, but the CIA blocks them at every attempt. Uncle Morty asks the Foreigner for help, knowing she won't like it; and the Foreigner convinces the CIA to free her, possibly by accepting assassination assignments that Silver had rejected. Meanwhile, other CIA agents prepare an ambush to make it look like Silver is trying to escape, when she is really being kidnapped. Silver is freed after her ordeal; but she is so angry that she fires Morty and decides not to do field work again, managing only the business part from Symkaria since she is no longer welcome in the US.

See Also

Links and References

