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Marvel Database

Shanghai is the second most populous city in the world and the second most populous of the four direct-controlled municipalities in mainland China. It is a global financial center and a transport hub with the world's busiest container port.


Ancient History[]

In the ancient Chinese region that would become Shanghai, the Green Dragon was a massive dragon, or possibly a Makluan, that was said to be a defender of the nation of China and would protect its people from their worst enemies in times when the Chinese were unable to protect themselves.[1]

20th Century[]

In 1935, Logan was in Shanghai and reported back to the Covenant that the Dreaming Maiden was dead, although he did not actually kill her. He could see it in his eyes of the Covenant that they wanted him to kill others, but Logan didn't want that so he walked away.[2]

During World War II, Shanghai like much of China was under the occupation of the Imperial Japanese.[3] In October of 1942, the Allied super-hero group known as the Invaders smuggled themselves into China in order to extract boy genius Zhang Chin to work for the Allied Forces.[4] Eventually, the Allied Forces won World War II and China was liberated from the Japanese; however, Shanghai soon came under control of the Communist Chinese regime that took the place of the Japanese.[5]

When the Sea of China was struck by a powerful Typhoon jeopardizing the safety of a crew aboard a ship, Namora was passing by and came to their rescue, pulling them to safety in the ports of Shanghai. There she helped Joyce Wilson discover who has been stealing her family's jewellery shop.[3]

In 1954, Captain America and Bucky Barnes traveled to Shanghai during the Feast of the Green Dragon, in order to locate a stolen list of U.N. officials that was stolen by a communist spy. There, with the assistance of the mythical Green Dragon, Cap and Bucky managed to recover the list before it could expose defected communist agents to harm.[6]

Modern Age[]

Black Widow assassinated a woman in Shanghai along with various other cities from around the world. These hits caused her to have nightmares due to the guilt.[7] She returned to Shanghai on a job, when Mister Lin contacted her to find his missing son. On this mission, she ran into a trap that escelated to a fight on the streets of Shanghai in broad daylight with the new Iron Scorpion. The first Iron Scorpion was his brother and had been assassinated by Natasha six years prior. In the fight, Natasha pushed the new Iron Scoprion in front a moving truck, after which he disappeared and Natasha went back to New York.[8]

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

In Shanghai, Lum Kwai-Tse, the Far East managing director of Fraser’s Bank was found dead.[9]

Steve Rogers received a call from the Prince of Orphans, who reported a third raid on a Shanghai temple, rumored to be perpetrated by the Hai-Dai, searching for the Eyes of the Dragon. Beast researched that the Eyes were two objects that were said to bring luck to the owner and could bring back the dead. Rogers then realized that Shang-Chi was in grave danger.[10]

It was in Shanghai, that the twins Zaoxing and Wanxia were born on the same second of the same minute of the same hour of the same day, as similar as the right hand is to the left, but Zaoxin was born with strong but erratic molecular manipulation, a warm personality, and the codename Dragonfire, while Wanxia was cold, her molecular manipulation was weak but precise and had the codename Coldmoon. They both were separated and don't know about the other existence, being held in containment by Taiji Corp. When they grew up, the feeling that there was something missing inside of them made them destroy the facility they were and found each other and realized that they were unstoppable together.[11]

Zheng Shang-Chi (Earth-616) and Pym Particles from Avengers World Vol 1 14 0001

Using "Pym Particles"

The Hand used a ritual to awaken a dormant dragon below the island of Madripoor. The dragon then proceeded to fly to Hong Kong, where it encountered the resistance from the Ascendants.[12] It then attacked Shanghai.[13] Using Pym Particles, Shang Chi was turned into a giant and defeated the dragon in combat, but before that, he tore off Gorgon's base from Madripoor and threw it several miles away.[14]

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 6 Textless

Peter Parker created an office for Parker Industries in Shanghai. It is there he released the wrist-mounted smartphone called Webware. He was accused of being there for cheap labor which he flat out denied as he created the company to improve the world not to make a fortune. It was also in Shanghai he used the new Spider-Mobile to take down a group of Zodiac members.[15] Zodiac continued to disrupt Parker Industries.[16] Spider-Man was forced to battle Mister Negative at the Parker Industries Building in Shanghai.[17] He teamed up with Cloak and Dagger but failed to take him down and he escaped.[18] Parker Industries in Shanghai studied the energy signature from the Zodiac Key.[19]

Shanghai from All-New Inhumans Vol 1 6 0001

The R.I.V. docked at Shanghai Harbor, it is there that Spider-Man told the Inhumans to leave as soon as possible as his company smoothed over all the trouble regarding the Sky-Spears in Jinchang.[20]

Spider-Man was in Shanghai where he stopped a robbery perpetrated by the Tao, but during the fight, he was attacked by a man wearing an old version of the Iron Man Armor knocking him out. However S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived attacked then man removing the mask but are unable to identify him.[21]

Conan, Elektra, Venom, Wolverine, Punisher, and Doctor Voodoo later battled and killed Jhoatun Lau in Shanghai before teleporting to the Savage Land.[22]

Anlternate Universes[]


The Fantastic Four, flying in the Fantasti-Car, battled Doctor Doom, who was in the possession of the Silver Surfer's board, in the sky close to Shanghai. The team crash-landed in the city, where Invisible Woman was severely wounded when trying to protect Silver Surfer from one of Doom's attacks. With the Surfer powerless, Human Torch absorbed the combined powers of the entire team to battle the cosmic energy-empowered Doom. He broke Doom's control over the Surfer's board, while Thing used a nearby crane to knock Doom into the harbor where he is last seen sinking. At the same time Galactus arrived, and Sue died in Mister Fantastic's arms. However, the Surfer regained control of his board, and his power was restored, which he used to revive Sue and defend Earth, flying into Galactus and confronting him.[23]


See Also

Links and References

