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Marvel Database


The Seekers consisted of three former A.I.M. scientists who had gone freelance and developed battle armor. One of the first team outings was to collect the bounty which had been placed on Spider-Woman's head. She was wanted by the US government after she helped the Avengers break out of the Vault. They met with a well-known informant called Scratch, who told Chain where to find her. Meanwhile Iron Man located Spider-Woman because he was able to trace the energy residue from her psionic webs. Iron Man told Spider-Woman that the Avengers owed her a great debt. All Spider-Woman wanted to do was to see her daughter Rachel. She was conflicted whether to turn herself in or to live as a fugitive. Iron Man decided to help her with her daughter's situation, and told her he would return.[2]

The Seekers tracked her to Denver, Colorado and tried to take her down. Grasp captured Spider-Woman with his shock net and started a small brush fire. He then clamped her leg with one of his gauntlets while Sonic and Chain surrounded her. Iron Man arrived to help and she removed the gauntlet from her leg and took out Chain by tossing him to the ground and smashing his chest. Sonic knocked Iron Man out of the air with his sound cannon and attached a device to Iron Man's chest plate, hitting him with a surge of energy. The pain was unbearable, but Iron Man focused his pulse bolts on the device and destroyed it. He then took out Sonic with his concussion beam. Grasp, seeing his two comrades downed, tried to escape. He was suddenly caught by Spider-Woman's psionic webs and forced to take his armor off. The fighting stopped when Spider-Woman decides to surrender to the US government.[2]



Full technological body armor probably based on Tony Stark's basic Iron Man armor, with specific configurations for each Seeker.


Different for each Seeker.

  • Grasp can shoot his gauntlets to imprison opponents and hit from a distance and can produce an energy shock net;
  • Sonic has a chest Sonic Blaster and Energy Leeches in his gauntlets and
  • Chain has an Energized Chain.


Self propelled jet system in the boots of each Seeker.


Even through the Seekers' armors are impressive themselves, they show a lot of weaknesses; like the fragility to extreme changes in temperature, and massive impacts, also they don't offer protection against energy based attacks.


In Spider-Man: Friends and Enemies #2 the Seekers claim to have taken on 3 new members. Presumably two of those members were Laserworks and Fireball who were first seen in Darkhawk #35. The sixth member of the team is unnamed unless Chain Lightning and Chain are two separate members.

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ Iron Manual Mark 3 Vol 1 1
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Iron Man #214