Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Bad days are coming. We have seen worse. What they did to Bill was a message to all of us -- a threat. This menace is very real. It is very powerful. And it is traveling a very long way to destroy us all. We will raise our defenses. We will fight them to the last. And we will defend those that cannot defend themselves. ... Today we fight, brothers and sisters. Today we stand up and never, ever relent. Brothers and sisters -- prepare yourselves. Today we go to WAR. Quote2

Appearing in "Secret Invasion (Part 1)"

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Synopsis for "Secret Invasion (Part 1)"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

The Skrulls are coming for Asgard, and they've got the gods in their sights! But it's not just the pantheon who stand to suffer the repercussions of the aliens' secret invasion - the citizens of small-town Broxton, Oklahoma are about to become collateral damage in the attack... and the God of Thunder must defend two cities at once! For a job this big, Thor will have to turn to one of his oldest and closest allies... Beta Ray Bill!


See Also

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