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Marvel Database


Saul was born to Zebadiah and Victoria Creed. As a child, he was frequently beaten and bullied by his older brother Victor, who maintained a tradition of beating his brother on his birthday. Once, Victor gave Saul a choice; be beaten, or maim their sister Clara. Saul chose to mutilate his sister with acid, just as Victor hoped, permanently straining their relationship.

Eventually, Saul and Clara set out on their own, finding work with a circus owner as a tracker and animal tamer. While there, they encountered Logan, who had been recently captured to be used as a circus attraction, and experimented on by Mr. Sinister. Despite Saul's misgivings, Clara convinced him to help free Wolverine. Clara and Wolverine developed feelings for each other, and in a fit of jealousy, Saul sold them out to Sinister. Sinister stormed their safe house, and seemingly killed Clara (who later re-awakened due to her healing factor). Wolverine and Saul attacked Essex's compound in response, where the truth of Saul's involvement was revealed and that Saul and Essex planned on wiping out Logan's mind and memories with a potion Essex cooked up. In a fit of rage, Wolverine held Saul down in the vat of Essex's mind wipe elixir, drowning and killing Saul. Clara told Logan she didn't condone him harming people anymore than she did her brother. She ordered Logan to leave her now that she had seen the "real" cold-blooded monster he was. Four months later, when Victor came around to torture Saul, Clara told him that Saul was "where [he couldn't] hurt him anymore", so that Victor will never bother their deceased brother again.[1]



Regenerative Healing Factor: Like Victor, Saul possessed a superhuman healing factor along with identical powers and abilities, albeit inferior to Victor's.[1]


  • Master Tracker: Like his brother, Saul is also an expert hunter and tracker, even without the use of his heightened senses, able to hunt down creatures by scent over long distances.

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Origin II #5