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Marvel Database

Quote1 You can't go through with this Hugo. He's not an animal. You can't treat him like one. Quote2


Clara Creed was the mutant sister of Victor Creed, better known as Sabretooth. She was once maimed with acid by her brother Saul so Victor would stop bullying him. In Canada, 1907, Clara and Hugo Haversham stopped by in a pub to hear a story from a tracker and his compatriot about a polar bear that was massacred by a wildcat as big as a man. As the man was justifying his claims, Dr. Nathaniel Essex walked in to back them. Upon Clara and Hugo's declaration that he would not survive in the wilderness alone, Essex explained to Clara and Hugo that his Marauders were of the finest breed and education, and he had the backing of one of the great continents and all its technology at his disposal. Hugo and Clara then told of their man Creed who teamed up with the Marauders to hunt the Wild Man.[1]

Creed tracked down the target that got away from Essex. Upon trying to catch him, Logan almost killed one of Creed's men, however, before he could Clara calmed him down. Creed then knocked the Wild Man around. Clara told Creed to stop, indicating that she has been abused by Victor before. Hugo then tried to talk to the Wild Man "Logan", but only saw a savage beast. Hugo then revealed himself as a ring leader for a carnival, looking for his main attraction: The clawed man of the woods! The marvel of a modern age.[1]

Hugo forced Logan to perform in his show as The "Clawed Man of the Woods". Caged and tortured on a daily basis by Hugo and his cruel tracker, Creed, Logan yearned for the freedom of death. Only Clara, the kindhearted animal handler, was convinced of Logan's humanity and struggled to get through to him. But the sinister Dr. Essex, who lost Logan to Hugo once before, was not to be discouraged in his pursuit. He eventually killed Hugo and captured Logan. Essex then proceeded to satisfy his morbid curiosity by performing horrible medical experiments on Logan, testing the physical limits of his newly discovered mutant. His eventual goal was to force Logan to consume his mind-altering serum thereby deadening his very soul, turning Logan into a weapon like no other. Just before this took place, Logan was rescued by Clara and a reluctant Saul Creed, and the three escaped.[2]

The trio settled in New York, and Clara and Logan became lovers. Saul could not stand his sister's relationship with Logan so he ratted them out to Essex, believing Clara's regenerative powers would save her. During the attack, Clara was injured by Logan, and believing that she was dead, Saul convinced Logan to seek revenge against Essex.[3]

When Clara recovered, she followed the two to the Essex mansion and found Logan and Saul fighting each other. Clara tried to end the fight, but Logan believed that Clara would still be threatened by Saul if he remained alive, and decided to kill him despite pleas Clara for him to stop. Saul's death affected the woman and she told Logan that he was no better than Saul and she did not want to see him again. Clara joined another circus and months later to the date of birth of Saul, Victor appeared on his quest. Clara told him he was dead, but Victor did not believe her, thinking he had simply hidden from him, and left.[4]

Victor later claimed he had killed Clara by tearing her apart and devouring her in a manner similar to the "Knickerbocker Knifer" serial killer.[5]



Regenerative Healing Factor: Like her brother, Clara possesses a superhuman healing factor, though seemingly not as potent as her eldest brother's healing factor.[4]

See Also

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