Marvel Database

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Marvel Database
Conner Sims (Earth-616) from Ultimates Vol 3 12 002
Even while ignoring the different dimensions that make up each reality, there are many layers to the Multiverse. Starting within a single universe, going beyond will enter the Superflow, the space between universes. Going beyond further will enter the Neutral Zone, the furthest possible point of the Multiverse, where matter and antimatter can coexist. While locations like the Neutral Zone are outside all universes, they are still contained within the Multiverse. The Outside refers to regions completely outside the Multiverse and beyond Eternity's influence.[1][2][3]

In the Far Shore, there is no space/time or death.[4] After the Shaper of Worlds died and fell into oblivion, he saw what lay beyond: In the Far Shore, nothing dies -- everything lives.[5][6] Anything beyond the Far Shore is called the Mystery.[7][8][9][10] It includes Overspace,[11] the Beyond,[12] the White Hot Room,[13] the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be,[14] the House of Ideas,[15] and more, because the Mystery is infinite.[14]