Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Heed me... a Shi'ar assault fleet is coming... Warn your leaders... Prepare your weapons... Build up your defenses... Bring a warning to the guardians of human and mutantkind... The X-Men... Tell your people! Protect the Earth... She has come. She has come. Quote2
Smasher (Vril-Rokk)

Appearing in "Imperial"

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Supporting Characters:


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Synopsis for "Imperial"

The Shi'Ar fleet is under siege and the empire threatens to crumble! All because of one person, the powerful sibling of Charles Xavier...Cassandra Nova! Can Lilandra and her disciples thwart this menace or will all be lost?


  • The scene where Smasher is sent to warn Earth and subsequently crashes in a field is referenced in Hickman's Avengers (Vol. 5) #5 as part of the origin story for a new Smasher Izzy Kane.

See Also

Links and References

