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Quote1 I told you... that I was going to hurt you. Hurt you beyond all comprehension. Quote2
Moon Knight

Appearing in "Session"

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Synopsis for "Session"

In session, Dr. Andrea Sterman comments about Marc's change of apparel, wearing his Moon Knight suit as opposed to his usual Mr. Knight suit. Replying in analogy, a seated Marc notes that the moon always changes and brings up that some time earlier, an armed Rutherford Winner came to the Midnight Mission. She notes his being dangerous, bringing up his S.H.I.E.L.D. files about his mind being destroyed and rewritten by Hydra, with a commentary by Agent Nick Fury. An interested Marc asks if she believes he cannot be saved, Andrea answers that Rutherford is a wild dog that cannot be saved, only contained.

Recalling back to the encounter, Moon Knight and Winner exchanged meaningless greetings and remarks before a fight ensued, each noting they were both conditioned into apex fighters. When Winner lunged with a head strike, he demanded Dr. Sterman back, which puzzled Moon Knight as to why he'd be jealous of Dr. Sterman's sessions with him. Commanding the House to shake up the Midnight Mission, the flooring shifted to unbalance Winner's footing but he acknowledged being unwell given his origin, seeking recovery with Dr. Sterman and again asked Moon Knight where she was. While the setting shifted more, Moon Knight bloodied Winner after a duration.

Back in session, Moon Knight focused on the word "contained" that she said, asking if he needed to be also. Andrea rebukes the notion, citing the last several months proving that he defies conventional definitions of containment just being himself. Andrea notes Marc's perceived similarities between himself and Winner, as Hydra rewired his brain similar to Khonshu with Marc, but believes he is different in how he contains his actions. Citing back to Zodiac's parting words that Moon Knight could be more if he let loose, that Marc is keeping himself from self-actualization. Musing if Zodiac was right, as Marc is driven by his past guilt, she asks if he ever thought of severing himself of the guilt and exploring himself free from concern. Recalling his debt to Khonshu, she inquires why he should resume serving him in pursuit of perceived justice because the ancient god saved his life.

Interjecting, Moon Knight notes that not once did she ask what he did to Rutherford Winner, with her rebuttal being that if it was important than he'd have captured him if he didn't kill him. However, Moon Knight notes that she started off by immediately discrediting Winner before anything else could be said. Yes, he's brainwashed with a mountain of dead to his name, but so too does Marc and Dr. Sterman never once noted the one thing both men have in common now: they both want to get better. As she continues to note Winner's conditioning was built not to last long-term and reminding Marc to think about his future, Moon Knight recalls to the encounter where Winner gave a starling revelation. With no more patience, Moon Knight drops pretenses and warns that he will hurt the imposter sitting before him if the real Dr. Andrea Sterman is dead.

Moon Knight explains that he wants to be clear: the imposter will only know pain for the rest of their existence should Andrea be dead. Moon Knight admits he should have clocked the clues but was stretched thin lately and was not a patient as long as Rutherford Winner. While imprisoned,[1] three women suffocated to death in locations outside his territory, deliberately to not arouse his notice. While "Andrea" attempts to chalk his observations to a "psychotic break", Moon Knight does away with any confusion by acknowledging "Andrea" is really Waxman. The super serial killer drops his act, reforming into his default state, confessing to the murders and never thinking Moon Knight would catch on. Noting Zodiac will be upset his plan went awry, Waxman dismisses it in favor of simply killing Moon Knight. However, he reminds the killer that he swore to make his existence painful, tossing Liquid Nitrogen grenades to flash freeze him into immobility.

Relocated to a construction yard, Waxman awakens after thawing to a radio call from Moon knight outside, joined by Soldier, Tigra, and Rutherford Winner. Entrapped in a steel sphere welded airtight, Waxman boasts he neither breathes nor eats, but Moon Knight counters that he will bury Waxman alive in concrete underneath a future condominium if he doesn't divulge Andrea Sterman's location. Waxman capitulates and Soldier logs the location, but Moon Knight still pours the concrete encasing Waxman despite upholding his end. Deriding Waxman asking if it hurts being lied to, Marc swears to see him in Hell while acknowledging his actions to his friends. Reasoning why he omitted Reese's help, Marc notes Waxman being a serial killer deserved a much worse fate, believing he may give said worse tonight and offers the others a chance to leave if they wish. While stunned, nobody objects, and Moon Knight states they need to move quickly as there will be blood tonight.

Solicit Synopsis

An assassin infiltrates the Midnight Mission, while another hidden enemy strikes at Moon Knight where he is most vulnerable. Attacked on two fronts, the Fist of Khonshu is put on the back foot-- but that's where he's most dangerous!

See Also

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