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Marvel Database

Quote1 I fear what you perceive as damage already done is just the start of it. Quote2

Appearing in "Live"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Unnamed terrorist

Other Characters:



  • Moon Knight's scarab drones

Synopsis for "Live"

In a breaking news report, a hostage situation is underway at One World Trade Center. Detective Flint has sent in Moon Knight as his best man. Accompanied by scarab drones, "Mr. Grant" breaks into the offices on the 88th floor. The hostage taker forces one of the hostages to make a video with a cryptic message and reveals that he is wearing a bomb. As Moon Knight approaches the target office, he asks Detective Flint to call his doctor. Spying the bomb device, Mr. Grant switches to Lockley to disarm it. As the terrorist monologues, he moves in and breaks both of his arms to stop him from activating the trigger. Disarming him, Lockley possible also carves a crescent into the hostage taker's hand. Lockley calls Detective Flint to report on the situation and say he's coming down, before switching to Mr. Knight. The detecitve tells Mr. Knight that his doctor said he was violent and dangerous and he'll have to arrest him when he comes down. When it arrives, the elevator holds only the terrorist's bomb and assault rifle.

The hostage taker is reported to have been a disgruntled employee and the bomb filled with agricultural growth accelerant. A video of Lockley freeing the hostages has become public and people are unsure what to think of this vigilante and his methods. Detective Flint is suspended. The psychologist is pleased. Marc feels betrayed. Khonshu is scolding him.

Solicit Synopsis

• It’s a hostage situation in a high-rise and Moon Knight must come to the rescue.

• But in this cell-phone camera society, he’s doing it on the world stage!


  • This issue takes place on April 11, 2014.

See Also

Links and References

