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Quote1 Jeez. Mooney. Rhymes with loony. Quote2

Appearing in ""Midnight Sun (Part I) - The Woodwork""

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Synopsis for ""Midnight Sun (Part I) - The Woodwork""

Moon Knight goes out on a standard night's patrol. Spider-Man conveniently shows up just as Moon Knight apprehends a petty criminal. Spidey is shocked to see Moon Knight brutalizing the thug, and tries to calm him down. Moon Knight dismisses him however, and quickly leaves the scene.

Inside of his personal limo, Marc Spector is still haunted by images of Bushman. The dead mercenary appears to be sitting next to Marc whimsically chatting to him as Samuels drives Marc back to his estate.

Elsewhere, a mysterious dark-clad stranger converses with a woman in shadowy underground lair. The stranger speaks at length about gaining revenge against someone, and drops an alarm clock down into the depths of the cavern. The clock lands on a pile of similar broken timepieces, all of which are set for the same time – midnight.

Later, after a restless and painful night's sleep, Marc drives out to meet with Frenchie. He wants Frenchie to work with him again as mechanic and pilot of the Mooncopter. Frenchie has no interest in returning to his old lifestyle.

The two men go to Gena's diner, but Gena is not happy to see Marc. She still blames him for the death of her son. Marc speaks with Gena’s surviving son, who served as a pilot in Iraq.

Frenchie brings Marc back to the mansion and shows him a newspaper clipping. The headline reads, "Clock Killer Claims Third". Frenchie tells Marc to find Jeffrey Wilde, the cyborg once known as Midnight.

When Marc steps into his den, he finds Steve Rogers, the renegade hero known as Captain America waiting for him.

See Also

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