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Marvel Database

Quote1 No offense, bro--but if I had to listen to "Hip to Be Square" one more time, I'd have to shoot you. Quote2
Gus Zapata

Appearing in ""Down South" Part 4"

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Synopsis for ""Down South" Part 4"

In a night filled with drug and prostitution festivities, Punisher slips into a mob hotel suite to kill the Russian men in Alcantara’s deal. Meanwhile, Moon Knight returns from his recon mission with Carmen gone leaving a note goodbye. She is seen blocks away trying to break into a car but two cowboys attempt to kidnap her instead. Their plan was thwarted when the Zapata Bros arrive to shoot the cowboy men. Carmen is ready to fend them off but they knock her unconscious and drive away with her.

In the car, we learn that the Bros feel bad for Carmen but this is too late as others are tailing their truck trying to kidnap her. The group manages to flip the Bros monster truck over but they quickly get Carmen to cover and take out the group. MK witnesses everything and knows they come in peace; Alcantara will bring far more damage to their hometown than money can repair. The three, working as a group, devise a plan to take down Alcantara. The Bros will extract Alcantara’s men away from his compound by saying they completed the mission while protecting Carmen, but meanwhile, Moon Knight will go for Alcantara at his base. With the compound nearly empty, Moon Knight, Punisher, and Toltec move towards Alcantara’s base.

Solicit Synopsis


Let's get rrrrrreeeaaaaay to rrrrruuuuummmmmmmbllllle!! Playing protector to a young woman who's in the crosshairs of the meanest, craziest, most indefatigable bounty hunters south - or north - of the Rio Grande. Meet Los Bros Zapata, a tag-team Mexican wrestler duo who moonlight as assassins, and who'll do anything - anything - to take down their mark. Moon Knight's gonna have his hands full, but luckily, he's got someone in his corner: The Punisher.

See Also

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