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Quote1 Moon Knighhhht! Come out come out, wherever you are! What's with you, man? Running?! Didn't think "bitch" was in your repertoire. Quote2

Appearing in "The Death of Marc Spector (Part V of V)"

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Synopsis for "The Death of Marc Spector (Part V of V)"

Bullseye tracks Moon Knight down and attacks him in the middle of a New York City street. To keep Bullseye off his feet, Ray Landers lays down some suppression fire from the Moonchopper. Moon Knight grabs onto the chopper's rope ladder and gets away. Bullseye bellows at him, calling him a coward. A motorcycle cop comes up behind Bullseye and levels his pistol at him, but Bullseye kills him and steals his cycle.

He begins racing down the streets, keeping the Moonchopper in his line of sight. As he nears the river, he sees Moon Knight leap out of the helicopter and dive into the river. Bullseye ditches the cycle and follows suit. Bullseye swims after Moon Knight and follows him through a tunnel that leads back to the hero's headquarters. Bullseye comes up out of the water inside Moon Knight's armory, but Moon Knight is nowhere to be found. He grabs some weapons and begins calling out for his opponent. The image of Moon Knight floats out of the shadows, and Bullseye hurls a blade at him. He learns though, that this is not the real Moon Knight, but rather an effigy strapped with explosives. Bullseye's dagger had struck the detonation trigger. There is a massive explosion, but both Bullseye and Moon Knight manage to escape.

Later, the Thunderbolts and agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. dredge the river and the surrounding area. Though they find no body, they believe that Moon Knight was killed in the explosion. Both Norman Osborn and Tony Stark issue public statements, declaring Moon Knight deceased. Marlene and Frenchie meet and Marlene asks why Marc did what he did. Frenchie explains that after everything that happened, "Marc Spector" had to die; but he reminds her that "Jake Lockley" is still alive.

In Mexico, the man who was once Marc Spector turns up very much alive. Having shaken his former persona, he has now adopted the mien of one of his alternate personalities - Jake Lockley.

Solicit Synopsis


Norman Osborn ain't fooling around no more. He's brought out his big gun. It's Moon Knight versus Bullseye - and only one will survive. For real.


  • This issue shipped on December 12th, 2008.

See Also

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