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Quote1 Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah. I'mma do my own thing. Quote2
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)[src]


Early Life[]

Miles Morales was born to Jeff and Rio Morales in 2004. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York, protected from supervillains and other threats by the famous super hero Spider-Man. Growing up to be a friendly, humorous, and awkward teenager, Miles formed a bond with his paternal uncle Aaron Davis, and with him gained a love for art, spray-painting graffiti around Brooklyn.

His closeness with Aaron and general attitude towards academics drove a wedge between Miles and his father, especially when he won a scholastic contest that enrolled him in the Brooklyn Visions Academy, as Miles was very reluctant to change schools.[1]

Battle for Kingpin's Collider[]

The Two Spider-Men

"There can't be two Spider-Men... can there?"

In December 2018, while putting up graffiti in an abandoned subway, Miles was bitten by a radioactive spider that mutated his DNA. The next day at school, he found that he'd grown taller overnight and that his hands and feet could stick to any surface, something that ruined an encounter with the tough and level-headed Gwanda, a fellow student he admired from afar in his class. Miles began to realize that he was developing powers similar to those of Spider-Man, and panicked, not wanting the responsibility that came with the territory of being a hero.

Determined to prove to himself that he has not developed the same powers, Miles revisited the subway terminal where the spider had bit him and found that the spider's molecules were glitching even after its death. Surprised and confused, Miles was suddenly drawn to a subterranean lab where the supervillain known as the Kingpin was trying to operate a particle super-collider to open a wormhole from their universe, Earth-1610B, into another. Miles witnessed Spider-Man battling Kingpin's henchmen, the Green Goblin and the Prowler, and was even saved by Spider-Man when he was endangered in the middle of the fight.

Peter Parker (Earth-1610B) and Miles Morales (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 002

Miles meets Spider-Man

Spider-Man's Spider-Sense told him that he and Miles were the same, and he offered to train Miles to be a hero after the battle. He then swung off to shut off the collider, but was stopped by the Goblin, who shoved him into its particle beam when it turned on, causing it to explode and collapse on both Spider-Man and the Goblin. Miles ran to Spider-Man's side, who handed him the passkey he had planned to use to destroy the collider, and told him to insert it into a drive input on the collider's ceiling, or the collider would suck all of Brooklyn into a black hole the next time it was activated. Miles went off to do that, but witnessed the Kingpin make his way to Spider-Man and brutally kill him.

Fleeing the scene with the Prowler chasing him, Miles escaped his pursuer and ran back to his home to spend the night, still rattled by the events of the night. He overheard a news report detailing Spider-Man's death, whose name was revealed to be Peter Parker. Over the night and into the following day, news spread throughout New York of Spider-Man's death, and a guilt-ridden Miles bought a Spider-Man Halloween costume out of respect for the fallen hero. He later tried to use his new abilities to jump across rooftops, but ended up falling and smashing the passkey in his pocket.

That night, Miles visited Peter's grave to apologize for breaking the passkey, and was approached by a man wearing functioning web-shooters and a Spider-Man suit who looked very similar to Peter. After accidentally electrocuting him with a bioshock venom strike, Miles dragged him back to his uncle's apartment and tried to interrogate the man, who introduced himself as Peter B. Parker, an older and more jaded version of Spider-Man from Earth-616B who had been brought to Earth-1610B when the Goblin shoved Peter into the collider beam. Miles explained about the passkey, leading Peter to escape and try to go home before he disintegrated, his molecules having been destabilized by the dimension jump. Miles guilt-tripped Peter into training him to be the next Spider-Man, however, and so they began working out how to rebuild the passkey together and save Brooklyn.

Peter Parker (Earth-616B) and Miles Morales (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 001

Peter B. Parker training Miles

Peter determined that he and Miles would have to access the information that his counterpart stole from Alchemax, and so they made their way to the Alchemax Campus in Hudson Valley. At first, Peter went inside alone while Miles stayed as lookout, but he followed Peter into the compound as soon as he saw the Kingpin arriving. While retrieving the information inside, Peter started training Miles on how to stop sticking to surfaces, and Miles even discovered that he could turn invisible, which proved useful when the tentacled Doc Ock chased them out of the complex with the computer.

After Peter gave Miles an impromptu lesson with the web-shooters as they escaped, the pair were forced to fend off against Doc Ock and the other Alchemax scientists, until they were saved by another universe-displaced spider hero Spider-Woman, real name Gwen Stacy, who Miles had met earlier as "Gwanda". The trio than swung away with the computer and made their way back to New York City, as Miles and Gwen bonded on the bus ride home.

The three of them their way to house of Aunt May, whose nephew Peter Parker had died just a few days ago. May welcomed them into Peter's underground Spider-Lair, where they met three more interdimensional travelers: private-eye Spider-Man Noir, a Japanese teenager with a robot suit named Peni Parker, and the cartoon-logic-wielding anthropomorphic pig Spider-Ham. Realizing that their only way back home was through Kingpin's supercollider, each of them offered to stay behind and destroy it, only for Miles to point out that they would then die in his dimension. The group decided to put Miles's spider abilities to the test, but were disappointed when they found that he had mastered almost none of them, including his unique bioelectric and invisibility abilities.

Pressured and alone, crestfallen Miles left the Spider-Lair and went to Uncle Aaron's apartment, only to find it empty. The window was soon opened by the Prowler,, causing Miles to turn invisible. Prowler searched the apartment but failed to notice Miles. The Prowler then received a phone call from Fisk, after which he unmasked and was revealed to be Aaron himself, terrifying the invisible Miles, who fled the apartment but made noise doing so. This drew Prowler's attention, who now saw him through his thermo-sensors and gave chase until the pursuit caused a car accident, allowing Miles to seemingly get away.

Miles Morales (Earth-1610B), Peter Parker (Earth-616B), and Gwendolyn Stacy (Earth-65B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 001

Spider-Gang unmasked

Miles returned to May's house, where he alerted the other Spiders to Prowler's identity. Peter instantly asked Miles if he was followed, to which Miles responded that he did not know. He indeed was, and Doc Ock, Tombstone, Scorpion and Prowler showed up to retrieve the new UBS stick, resulting in a big fight that left Aunt May's house destroyed. Miles fled to the roof, where the Prowler caught and was about to kill him when Miles unmasked himself. Horrified to see that he had been hunting his own nephew, Aaron pulled Miles' mask back down and let him go, but was then shot by enraged Kingpin. Miles panicked as his uncle bled out and Peter, who witnessed the act, encourage Miles to escape.

Miles swiftly took the mortally wounded Uncle Aaron to an alleyway, where Aaron apologized to Miles and encourages him to keep doing what he knew was right before dying in his nephew's arms. Officer Jefferson Davis turned up to the scene and, witnessing the figure dressed as Spider-Man kneeling over Aaron's body, assumed the figure to be his brother's killer. Jefferson tried to force the young man, not knowing his identity, into surrender, but Miles turned invisible and ran away. Jefferson then puts out an APB on "the new Spider-Man."

Miles returned to his dorm room at the Visions Academy, where the the other five Spiders came to say their goodbyes, preparing to go into the supercollider. Consoling Miles over the loss of his uncle, the others told him that they, like no others, could understand what he was going through, as each of them had lost a loved one in a similar way. Miles insisted he should be the one to shut down the collider, but Peter denied him. Miles protested, causing Peter to restrain him. Peter told Miles that if he could activate his bioelectric ability or invisibility on command then he would let him go, but Miles was unable to do either. Peter webbed Miles up and gags him, and the five Spiders departed for Fisk Tower.

While Miles was bound and gagged, his father knocked on his door, wishing to speak to Miles about his Uncle's death. Miles was unable to answer, which Jeff took to mean as Miles still being upset with him. Jefferson apologized for the things he had said and done before, and told Miles that Aaron has been killed. When he received no reply, Jefferson simply apologized again and told Miles that he was proud of him before leaving. Inspired, Miles managed to build up enough energy for a bioelectric blast and freed himself from his restraints.

Miles Morales (Earth-1610B), Peter Parker (Earth-616B), and Gwendolyn Stacy (Earth-65B) from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 002

Spider-Gang masked

Miles returned to late Peter's Spider-Lair where Aunt May was expecting him. Miles took one of Peter's old classic suits and spray painted it black, then uses red spray paint to recolor the lens frames and made his own spider logo and designs. Miles then tested out his abilities in the city and, feeling confident that he was ready to be Spider-Man, took the "leap of faith" that Peter talked to him about earlier. Now confident in himself, Miles went to the supercollider and joined the others in the fight against Kingpin's underlings. After beating Doc Ock, Miles inserted the USB stick and took over the beam, sending Peni, Noir, Spider-Ham and Gwen to their homes one at a time. Kingpin himself then showed up and Peter B. once again wanted to stay behind, but Miles convinced him to take a leap of faith of his own back to his home universe. Miles then engaged the enraged Fisk who beat him down, but Jefferson Davis, having arrived and seeing the new Spider-Man fighting Fisk, realized that Spider-Man was not the enemy, but an ally, and encouraged him to fight back and beat Kingpin. This gave Miles the strength to perform another bioelectric blast, sending Kingpin flying to hit the deactivation button and causing the collider to blow up.[1]

Early Heroics[]

Gog (Earth-1610B) from The Spider Within A Spider-Verse Story 001

Miles fighting Gog

Miles fighting villains

Miles fighting some villains

Spider-Slayer (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Miles destroying the Spider-Slayer

As Fisk was arrested, Jefferson Davis thanked the new Spider-Man for his efforts and wished him well. Miles, as Spider-Man, went on to gain the public's approval, becoming New York's new beloved vigilante. Miles also formally introduced himself to his roommate at Visions Academy Ganke, who became the only keeper of his secret identity.[1] Miles operated as Spider-Man for the next year and four months, during which he caught all sorts of bad guys, including Gog, Chameleon, Hammerhead, Frog-Man, Beetle, Grizzly and the Spider-Slayer. He also guest-hosted Jeopardy! and had to make public apologies for endorsing baby powder and attempting to grow a mustache over his mask. He was however stretched thin, causing him to mess several classes and his grades to suffer as the result. Miles missed his Spider-friends, especially Gwen, which he expressed in art both on the walls in graffiti and in his notebooks.[3][2]

Battling the Spider Society[]

One year and four months later, Miles came across a bodega robbery by a new villain who called himself the Spot. Miles couldn't listen as he was being late for a review meeting at the school that his father kept texting him about. Miles paid more attention to his phone than Spot, to the latter's great frustration, but neither could Miles catch him due to Spot's sporadic teleportation abilities. The two battled across the city until Miles restrained Spot in a web and rushed back to Brooklyn Visions. Along his way he told Ganke to inform the police about where the captured bad guy was held, only for Ganke to completely ignore his request. Arriving at the meeting, Miles was was berated by his parents for his bad Spanish grades and missing classes. When the topic came to college, Ms. Weber revealed that Miles wished to attend Princeton University. Rio disagreed, and Miles had to convince his parents to let him follow his dreams. However, he then saw that Spot managed to get out of his web and, quickly apologizing, had to rush back outside.

Changing back into his Spider-Man's Suit, Miles engaged Spot once again, just as his father had rushed outside has well, having received a call on the supervillain disturbance. Jefferson was caught in their fight, which took them to former Fisk Tower where construction work was done at the supercollider wreckage; Jeff nearly fell to his death but was saved by Spider-Man just in time. Spot revealed that he was the reason behind Spider-Man's powers, having brought the Radioactive Spider that bit him over from another reality, and that Spider-Man had created him in turn when he blew up Kingpin's supercollider. Spot then lunged at Spider-Man, but due to instability of his own powers ended up kicking himself and falling into one his portals.
Antonio Rodriguez (Earth-1610B) from Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Miles fighting Armadillo

With the bad guy gone, Miles had a talk with his father in his identity as Spider-Man. In the evening, the Moraleses had a rooftop party to celebrate Jeff's promotion, for which Miles was again late. Being unable to swing with his hands full after grabbing the party cake, he had to ride city transport but was distracted by Armadillo and a shoe robber.

When Miles finally showed up at his father's party, Jeff and Rio questioned him about his disappearances and after receiving no explanation grounded him for two months. Miles went back to his room, where to his surprise Gwen landed shoes first out of a dimensional portal and hugged him as soon as she could. Miles tried to hide his toys to look more mature and Gwen playfully took a collectible figure out of it's packaging much to his dismay. She then invited him out, and despite Miles being grounded the two went on swinging around the city. Gwen told Miles about joining the Spider Society and her new friends and adventures with them, but was unable to tell why he could not join. Miles eventually took Gwen to his favorite spot at the Williamsburgh Bank Building, where the two shared a tender moment. Gwen called Miles her only friend, but as he tried to make a move on her, she revealed that for other Gwen Stacys in the Multiverse dating Spider-Man had never ended well. Miles replied to her telling her that "there's a "first time for everything". Gwen smiled back at him as she leaned her shoulder onto his.

They then went to the party at the rooftop of Miles' house, where Gwen was introduced to Jeff and Rio. Her Dimensional Travel Watch sent her an alert, and Gwen rushed to leave, saying an awkward goodbye to Miles. Rio send Jeff away and had a personal talk with Miles, telling him to stand up for himself in the big fancy places he was going to and encourage him to follow the girl. Miles promised to return home with a cake and swung after Gwen, but went into invisible upon noticing her entering a police-surrounded building. He followed her to what turned out to be Spot's apartment, as Gwen reviewed her tracker's footage and learned that Spot harnessed enough energy to jump into another reality. Jessica Drew appeared as a hologram and pressed Gwen into confessing that she went to see Miles, which she promised to never do again, to Miles' shock. LYLA tracked Spot to Earth-50101 and Jess ordered Gwen went there to fix things. Gwen said goodbye to Miles and went into the portal, not knowing that he followed her.

Miles arrived on Earth-50101 and immediately started glitching without a Dimensional Travel Watch to stabilize him. He announced himself to Gwen, who didn't liked being followed and said that she never should have come to see him. They met Pavitr who instantly sensed romantic tension between the two, and the three Spiders engaged Spot together. Spot had leveled up his game and was more than a match for all three of them and soon located this reality's Alchemax, where he went inside to commandeer their supercollider and locked himself behind the force field. Gwen, Pavitr and Miles were unable to break through, but Miles used his powers to weaken the field until Hobie Brown arrived to reinforce them and used the power of rock to break the shield. Gwen introduced Hobie and Miles, but the four of them were unable to stop the Spot from jumping into the supercollider.

Emerging far more powerful, Spot taunted Miles and departed Earth-50101, just as the explosion of the supercollider caused the section of the Alchemax Building to collapse onto the streets. The Spiders jumped in, with Pavitr and Miles clearing the civilians while Hobie and Gwen were trying to slow the falling debris. Seeing Inspector Singh in danger, Miles jumped to save him despite Gwen telling him that it as too dangerous. The entire crowd applauded the four Spider-People, and Gwen admitted to Miles that she found him amazing, when a dimensional rift began to grow underneath them. Jess Drew arrived with a team of Spiders to contain it and ordered everyone except Pavitr to report to the HQ.

Miles, Gwen and Hobie traveled to Spider Society HQ on Earth-928, and Gwen showed Miles around, while Jess gave him a day pass to stop him from glitching. They encountered Margo Kess who showed them the Go-Home Machine. They got to the office of Miguel O'Hara, who erupted in anger at both of them. Peter B. Parker then arrived and had a warm reunion with Miles, introducing him to his daughter Mayday. To explain to Miles what he had done, Miguel had LYLA show a holographic presentation explaining the Multiverse, the Web of Life and Destiny and Canon Events, revealing that deaths of Police Captain Stacy or similar figures could not be avoided without threatening the fabric of reality. Miles realized that his father was about to become Captain, and Miguel confirmed that Jeff was about to die in two days at Spot's hand and that Miles was not allowed to save him.

Peter and Gwen tried to talk to Miles, but Miguel simply trapped him in a force cage. Miles used Hobie's advice to break out and went on the run, with the entire Spider Society chasing after him. When he jumped outside of the building, a teary eyed Gwen caught Miles by a web strand, but he angrily tore it apart. Peter caught up with Miles and tried to get through to him again, getting him to hold Mayday whom Peter only had after being inspired by Miles. Miles went on the run again, but eventually Miguel caught up with him and revealed the truth about Miles' status as the original Anomaly who was never supposed to be Spider-Man. Miguel went on to blame Miles for this entire catastrophe as he believed that his Peter would have lived if not for him and would have stopped Kingpin's collider from ever running, preventing the fracturing of the multiverse in the first place. Learning that Peter, Gwen and the others had all known about it shattered Miles' faith in them. Miles then revealed that his plan was to drive the Spider Society away from the headquarters, just as Miguel ordered them. After saying goodbye to Gwen, Miles escaped by venom-blasting Miguel and instantly went invisible. He snuck back into the HQ and and used the Spider Society's Go Home Machine to transport himself back to his home dimension. Unfortunately, it locked onto his spider's DNA instead of his own and sent Miles to Earth-42 instead.

Miles emerged on a world similar to his and rushed back home, where he now had enough strength to reveal his secret identity to his mother. But Rio had no idea who Spider-Man was and once he started glitching again, Miles realized that he was trapped in the wrong reality. Uncle Aaron showed up alive and well, and Miles embraced him in a hug, telling him how much he had missed him. Aaron initially assumed Miles to be his local self and told his nephew to follow him, but quickly realized something was wrong about him. As they got on the room, Miles realized with horror that his father was dead in this reality before being knocked out. He awoke tied up in Uncle Aaron's apartment and tried to talk to him, explaining who he was. Aaron barely said anything besides revealing that he was not the Prowler of this reality. Miles then noticed the Prowler who had been watching them this whole time before approaching Miles and asking about his father. When Miles asked to know who the Prowler was, he removed his mask to reveal his own face back at him. Miles begged his counterpart to let him go, saying that his father would die otherwise. The other Miles saw no reason for him to do that and pressed his Prowler glove against Miles' head to threaten him. Miles would manage to tear a small hole on the rubber glove that had been placed on his left hand as it sparked with electricity, he looked at his alternate self with a slight smirk. [2].


Miles Morales is friendly, humorous, stubborn, and awkward, with a desire to help others and make them happy. Initially filled with anxiety and self-loathing, Miles' journey of becoming Spider-Man made him much more confident in himself, and lessened his anxiety, though it still lingered. Becoming Spider-Man may have made him even more stubborn, leading Miles to jeopardize the safety of the entire multiverse to save his father's life.[1][2] Even though Peter is dead, Miles still follows his advice of not revealing his identity to anyone, Miles still feels guilty about not doing anything to save Peter's life.[1][2]

Mary Jane Parker's eulogy also had a heavy impact on Miles. Her eloquent speech about how her husband believed that anyone could be Spider-Man gave Miles confidence and made him realize that anyone can wear the mask, that anyone can be Spider-Man.[1]. Miles cares a lot about his friends, especially Gwen as he had decided to pursue a career in quantum physics just for a chance to be able to see her and the rest of his friends again. Miles would often sketch and draw Gwen, even including her at the center of his mural.[2]



  • Spider Physiology: Miles Morales gained the proportionate abilities of a spider after being bitten by a "genetically modified" spider from another universe, designated "Earth-42," transported by Alchemax that was also exposed to the radiation of their particle collider, granting him enhanced strength, speed, agility, spider-sense, and the ability to climb walls. He also possesses two abilities that other spiders of the Spider-Gang do not have, such as the ability to camouflage himself and venom strike that can stun his opponents.[1][2]
    • Spider-Sense: When danger is present, Miles possesses a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of a early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His spider-sense offers him near complete awareness of his surroundings, and in conjunction with his reflexes, allows him to instinctively dodge or counter nearly all attacks. His spider-sense also helps him recognize other individual with spider-powers, making them have some sort of connection.
    • Superhuman Strength: Miles possesses the proportionate strength of a spider, allowing him to lift heavy loads and combat foes that would otherwise overwhelm him. Using his strength, he can harm opponents such as the Kingpin and Doc Ock with his strikes. He was able to crack a boulder in two after slamming his fist into it due to his frustration with Peter Parker. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump great distances and heights.
    • Superhuman Speed: Miles possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. He is able to transverse at high amounts of paces while running and moving, as well as traveling while web-swinging.
    • Superhuman Agility: Miles possesses great amounts of enhanced levels of agility that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast. While running on the sidewalk and into the road, Miles could land on his feet without harm after being ran over by a car. He can also perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs.
    • Wallcrawling: Miles possesses the ability to cling onto any surface using just his fingertips and feet. Although he was unable to control this power at first, he has mastered it as of late. The extent is how much pressure he can stick to walls is less than perfect, considering how much focus he needs to handle lifting his own weight.
    • Camouflage: Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up or even flee from his enemies, as he was able to surprise attack Doc Ock without her knowing that he was there. The resulting effect closely resembles that of invisibility.
    • Venom Strike: Miles is able to produce electricity through his hands to stun his enemies or destroy technology. His venom strike can be used against an opponent at a distance by conducting it through a material in which Miles and his opponent are in contact. He was able to use this ability to knock Peter Parker unconscious, break out from his restraints after being webbed up by Peter, and later defeated Kingpin in their final confrontation. He can also use his Venom ability to absorb the energy from Miguel O'Hara's suit and blast him away during the Spider-Society' chase for Miles.


  • Gifted Intellect: Despite being accepted into Brooklyn Vision Academy via Lottery Scholarship, Miles is a highly gifted individual. This was noted by his teacher, who stated after Miles failed his entrance exam on purpose, that Miles had to know all the answers if he could get every question wrong. He was also able to deduce that Peter B. Parker was from another dimension moments after meeting him, managing to impress the other Spider-Man.
  • Skilled Artist: Miles is a highly skilled graffiti artist, being able to utilize his talents to create his own art and even make his own Spider-Man suit.
  • Skilled Combatant: Despite not having any training in combat, Miles' spider-sense and reflexes make him a capable melee fighter. He was able to fight Doc Ock with the help of Peter and Gwen, and engage Kingpin in a brutal one-on-one battle, although he was overpowered by Fisk's sheer strength and large size.


  • DNA from the Earth-42 radioactive spider: Although not technically a weakness, since the DNA of the radioactive spider that bit Miles is from another Earth, but if Miles were to use a DNA-based dimensional device, he would end up in the spider's Earth instead of his own, as he did when he used the Go Home Machine on himself.




Into the Spider-Verse Suit (Miles Morales) from Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales 0001

The "Into the Spider-Verse" suit, how it appears in the game.

  • Miles's costume from Into the Spider-Verse appears in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales as an alternate costume for the Earth-1048 version of Miles. The suit was also added as part of the "Launch Edition" Pre-Order pack along side the T.R.A.C.K. Suit for instant access for players that have pre-ordered the game, including 3 skill points and a gadget. The suit returns in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.
    • The suit's "Vibe the Verse" suit mod alters Miles's frame-rate to mimic the aesthetics of the movie, while its "Bam! Pow! Wham!" Visor Mod adds various comic book effects when punching enemies.
  • Miles's second costume from Across the Spider-Verse appears in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 as an alternate costume for Miles.
  • Miles was 15 years old in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
  • Miles's height was listed as 5'10" (1.78 m) on his Tastykake collectible card made as promotional material for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. However, because the cards also listed Spot's reality as Earth-616 and Jessica Drew's reality as Earth-404, their overall accuracy is dubious.


See Also

Links and References

