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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Only Death Can Save Thee!"

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  • High Evolutionary's probe ship (First appearance) (Unnamed)

Synopsis for "Only Death Can Save Thee!"

Eric manages to get his cane in front of him and transforms the instant he hits the ground. The Dweller leaves with Susan, causing Hercules to regain his self control. They go after the Dweller and Hercules is once more in his thrall as soon as they get close. Thor uses lightning to hurt the Dweller and send him screaming into the sun. Eric and Hercules return to Eric’s apartment to try and clean up, but it’s too late. Child Welfare is there and even worse, because of the battle with the Dweller, neither Eric or Susan could pick up Kevin from school. So Marcy did and made sure CPS would know about it.

In the Black Galaxy, the High Evolutionary and Count Tagar are aboard a probe ship that is gathering some of the bio-verse's living cosmic soup which the Evolutionary plans to combine with cell samples taken from Thor to create a new and greater race of gods. They are unaware that they have been observed by the Red Celestial who then fires off a red beam. At that same moment, Odin awakens in Asgard, crying out, "No!!"

Later, the Replicoid of Thor is seen to be flying through space, on course for Earth.

Appearing in "The Abduction"

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Synopsis for "The Abduction"

Leir has decided he wants Sif for his bride, and she accepts conditionally.


  • Sequence 1 Only Death Can Save Thee! plot by DeFalco and Frenz, script by DeFalco.
  • Both stories in this issue contain the identical scene of Odin crying out "No!!" as he awakens in his royal bedchambers.

See Also

Links and References

