Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 So be it! Thou hast forced me to unleash the most terrifying Asgardian power of all! A power which once hurled back Galactus, the World-eater, and e'en gave pause to an almighty Celestial! I must call forth the god-force which flows within my veins -- and unite it with the irresistible power of mine enchanted Uru mallet! And the God of Thunder shall become one with the hammer supreme! Let the Juggernaut FALL! Quote2

Appearing in "The New Warriors!"

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Supporting Characters:




Synopsis for "The New Warriors!"

The New Warriors manage to distract the Juggernaut long enough for Thor to recover. Thor manages to force the Juggernaut back into a hole, which they quickly fill with molten metal. Thor then transports the temporary prison to an asteroid in deep space. But Thor has a more personal war brewing on the home front. Marcy has come to claim Kevin.

Appearing in "Freedom Is Only a Choice Away"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:


Synopsis for "Freedom Is Only a Choice Away"

Beta Ray Bill breaks free of his shackles and reclaims Stormbreaker, and is hungry for vengeance.

See Also

Links and References

