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Marvel Database

John Jonah Jameson (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 1 001
J. Jonah Jameson
Quote1 What'll it take? Quote2
Peter Parker (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 1 001
Peter Parker
Quote1 Money. Quote2
John Jonah Jameson (Earth-616) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 1 001
J. Jonah Jameson
Quote1 Never. Quote2

Appearing in "Fast Descent into Hell!"

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  • Military helicopter

Synopsis for "Fast Descent into Hell!"

Tanya Anderssen seeks out Angel to accompany her to the Savage Land. She is searching for her old friend and lover, Karl Lykos. Reluctantly, Angel agrees to go. At the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson learns of the expedition and coerces Peter Parker to also go on the trip in exchange for a large sum of cash.

Arriving at the Savage Land, their helicopter is destroyed by a pterasaur in midair. The pilots parachute to safety, Angel saves Tanya, and Peter thankfully has his web-shooters on, letting him create a web chute to carry him to the ground. Exploring the area, they find the ruins of Garokk's city and then are promptly attacked by his followers. Angel mysteriously experiences vertigo and is knocked out by a war-axe from a pterodactyl rider. Peter pushes Tanya into a river, changes into his Spider-Man suit before attempting to defeat the followers. Spider-Man also experiences vertigo and is knocked out by Gaza and Barbarus of the Savage Land Mutates.

Tanya escapes from the river only to be confronted by a T-Rex. Spider-Man wakes to find Angel and himself shackled to a machine. Brainchild explains that the machine will devolve Spider-Man and Angel to their primordial beginnings and that this device will allow the abandoned mutates to rule the Savage Land. Spider-Man attempts to break free but is subdued by Vertigo. Brainchild activates the machine and Spider-Man begins to black out...

Appearing in "Snow"

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Synopsis for "Snow"

The story begins with Santa (Lewis) collecting money for the homeless children. He is rolled by three thugs, who use the money to buy cocaine from Haskill. Daredevil beats the thugs and tracks down Haskill. While Haskill is trying to escape from Daredevil with his money, he heads for the roof. Attempting to jump rooftops, Haskill slips on the farther snowy ledge and falls to his death. His briefcase of money opens in mid-air, and the money floats back down to Lewis!

Appearing in "Editori-Al"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for "Editori-Al"

Jim Shooter harangues Al Milgrom into introducing the premise of Marvel Fanfare -- a more expensive, direct market exclusive title featuring the best talent for the more distinguishing audience.



  • The front cover of this issue was the inspiration for one of the fictional comics in the movie Logan, featuring Sauron carrying away Wolverine rather than a generic pterosaur carrying Spider-Man, with Storm in the place of Angel.

See Also

Links and References

