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Marvel Database

Quote1 I spent years of my life consumed with vengeance...and lost everything for it. You two reminded me that that's not who I am. When you help someone, you help everyone. Quote2
ā€”Martin Li[src]


Early Life[]

The man who would later take the name "Martin Li" was born in Dali, China in 1978. When he was still a child, his family immigrated to the United States in search for a better life, settling in New York City. In 1986, he was afflicted by an unknown medical condition, causing his parents to take him for a medical consultation at Oscorp. Secretly, he was chosen by Norman Osborn as test subject to be injected with the prototype serum called GR-27. the agent had several effects on his body, triggering a reaction that caused Li to gain volatile "negative" superhuman powers, that burst out of his body, accidentally killing his parents that were nearby. After that, he was left in an orphanage, where he grew up knowing the pain and suffering that the neediest passed. Due to this experience, Li was decided to change the world in some way, he just needed the means to do so. He also carried a deep hatred by Norman and Oscorp, wanting revenge on them as they ruined his life. Over time, Li came to understand how to control his powers, even discovering new abilities, such as corrupting people, and imbuing items with his corruptive touch. He now was faced with two distinct "personalities": One was like a demon, hungry for revenge and destruction; while the other was a good, altruistic person.

When he was 18, Li got back to China, where he made his fortune in the shipping industry, becoming a largely known billionaire philanthropist, coming back to New York a decade later. Enlightened by his dream to help people, he used his fortune to create the Food, Emergency Aid, Shelter and Training, or F.E.A.S.T., a network of shelters scattered throughout the city, where the homeless could find support. His efforts to help the poor represented Li's good side, but secretly, Li started corrupting other chinese immigrants on the city to create his own criminal faction, the Demons.

Around 2013, he met and befriended May Parker, a good and caring woman from Queens, inviting her to work with him on F.E.A.S.T.. Over the years, both have become close friends, with Li trusting May as the second in charge of the shelter, in case he needed to leave one day. He also came to be acquainted with May's nephew, Peter Parker.

City at War[]

After working for years on F.E.A.S.T., Li felt his altruistic mission was done, and decided to finally get his revenge against Norman Osborn and Oscorp. He lied to May, telling her that he would need to travel out of town for a while, and before leaving, he left a note to her on his office, stating his true motives, and telling her to take care of herself and F.E.A.S.T. no matter what, as both her and the shelter meant a lot to him.

Li wanted to locate the same serum he was injected years before, now known as "Devil's Breath". The agent now acted more like a deadly virus, which was perfect to destabilize Norman Osborn's image and destroy his reelection campaign if released on the city. Before that, he tried his own attempt on Norman's life, by bombing one of his re-election rallies at New York City Hall, killing Officer Jefferson Davis and countless others in the process. Spider-Man, who was at the location in his civilian alter ego, Peter Parker, witnessed everything, discovering Li as the leader of the Demons, and together with Mary Jane Watson, started a plot to defeat him.

Inner Demons (Earth-1048) from Marvel's Spider-Man (video game) 004

Li and the Demons at the City Hall bombing

Days later, Li and the Demons managed to locate and steal the Devil's Breath from Morgan Michaels, planning to use it to do terrorist blackmail against Norman Osborn in Grand Central Station. Coincidentally, Mary Jane was at the location investigating, and was caught on the subsequent take over of the station. Luckly, MJ managed to call Peter, and with the help of Spider-Man, both managed to stop Li in time by deactivating the bomb containing the viral agent. Li tried to escape via the subway trains, but after battling Spider-Man, he was caught and arrested, being sent to the Raft. It wasn't too long before Otto Octavius, one of the scientists present at the test that gave him his powers decades before, also had a plan against Norman. Octavius now had attained the alter ego Doctor Octopus and released Li and four other villains from the Raft to destroy the city, on a similar way of Li's plan to destabilize Norman.

Martin Li (Earth-1048) and Peter Parker (Earth-1048) from Marvel's Spider-Man 001

Li battles Spider-Man

Li again assembled the Demons and went on to find the GR-27 Antidote, that was being produced by Morgan Michaels on the same lab that he was tested during childhood. There he found not only Dr. Michaels, but also Norman Osborn. After taking the antidote, Li was about to kill Osborn, when he was stopped by Spider-Man. Both engaged on a battle, with Spider-Man gaining the upper hand, but were again interrupted by Doctor Octopus arrival, who tossed Li aside, and kidnapped Norman along the antidote.

After these events, Li was arrested by the police and placed in the Raft.

Hunted by Kraven[]

Two years later, after the events of Devil's Breath, Li has noticeably aged, sporting visible facial stubble and long hair. At one point, when Peter and Miles are overseeing the transport of prisoners, Miles becomes enraged upon seeing Li, as he holds Li indirectly responsible for his father's death at the City Hall bombing. While being transported alongside Scorpion to another maximum security prison, the transport ship is attacked by the Hunters in an attempt to kidnap both Li and Scorpion for Kraven's purposes. This forces the Spider-Men to protect the ship and take down the attackers.

Meanwhile, Miles, having overcome the Scorpion's sting, escapes and encounters Li, who is nearly drowned. Li yells at Miles to free him, and although Miles initially refuses due to his anger, he is ultimately forced to release Li. Just before doing so, Miles' Venom bio-electricity powers suddenly change from orange to blue due to his anger towards Li. The Hunters manage to get hold of the containers, but Miles takes them down and severs the containers. However, as he is about to rescue civilians, Li breaks free from the containers and heads outside, prompting Miles to engage him. Li angrily tells Miles that he abandoned him to die, to which Miles responds, "You don't know what you took from me." The Hunters then capture Li and take him to Kraven's hideout.

Clash with Miles Morales[]

When Miles is captured by Kraven, he passes through the escape room and arrives at Kraven's battlefield, where he encounters Li waiting to fight him. Li transports Miles into his mind, where Miles must confront his deepest insecurities while dealing with Li's immense power. Throughout these trials, Miles is visited by his loved ones who tell him that he is a problem and should stop being a superhero. However, during the final trial, Miles encounters a hallucination of his dad, which helps him to overcome his negative thoughts and reveal his identity to Li, leaving Li in shock. After completing the final trial, Miles encounters Li again, who tells him to calm down as he knows Miles seeks revenge for his dad. Miles responds by stating that although he lost his dad, that's not what holds him back, and then proceeds to defeat Li.

Back in reality, the defeated Li begs Miles to kill him and satisfy his need for revenge. However, Miles overcomes his anger and chooses to risk his own life to free Li. Before Li escapes, Miles instructs him to find Peter, who is under the influence of the Venom symbiote's corruption.

After escaping, Li uses his negative powers as a beacon to attract Peter's attention. It's proven effective, and when Peter arrives, the symbiote attempts to attack Li, but his negative power causes the symbiote to retract its tendrils. Li informs Peter of Miles' whereabouts and offers to accompany and help him, but Peter refuses due to an increased mistrust of Li caused by the influence of the Venom symbiote. As he leaves, Li tells Peter that he is lucky to have Miles and that he reminds him of himself.

Symbiote Invasion and Birth of Anti-Venom[]

When Harry Osborn rebonded to the Venom symbiote, Venom took over his body and rampaged over New York. It killed Kraven and later manipulated Harry to "heal the world" by transforming people into symbiotes. Peter and Miles forced to rescue the infected people.

At one point, Peter and Miles went to City Hall to rescue trapped people, where Li initiated the City Hall bombing two years ago. As Peter opened the emergency exit, a horde of symbiotes attacked him, and a symbiote behemoth threw him to a horde of symbiotes, meaning to take him over again. Martin Li arrived and created a negative shield that kept the symbiotes at bay. Miles and Li noticed that Li's power triggered a response from the symbiote, and Li told Miles that he could clear the symbiote off Peter, but only if he entered Peter's head. Miles reluctantly agreed and they teamed up to free Peter from the hivemind.

Inside Peter's head, they traveled to R.A.F.T., and as they were supposed to go to the next location, hallucinations of Sinister Six members attacked them, and they fought a horde of prisoners until symbiote tendrils appeared and killed all the prisoners. Going deeper, they found out that the Venom suit had twisted Peter's personality due to his past suffering, attracting the symbiote to take over him. They entered a portal that led to May's house. Miles told Li that Li caused Peter's aunt to die, to which Li said he didn't mean for her to get hurt. Miles went up the stairs, but symbiote tendrils attacked him, and Li used Lightforce to counter it, surprising Miles that his power had the same effect on symbiotes. They reached F.E.A.S.T., where Li said he built his life, and Miles asked why he did that. Li revealed that he did it for revenge, stating that Norman Osborn was the reason why his parents are dead, so Li spent his life making his hell. However, he acknowledged that the revenge failed and indirectly caused the deaths of Jefferson Davis and May Parker.

They eventually reached the symbiote core, which represented the "source" of Peter's suffering and pain. They tried to break the core, but it was seemingly overwhelmed, and the symbiote army rushed to stop them. While Miles tried to figure out other ways, Li decided to transfer all his power into the core, posing the risk of killing him. Upon hearing this, Miles decides to settle his grudge with Li, telling him that while he can never forgive him for his crimes and the death of his father, he cannot hold onto his hate for him any longer and expresses a desire to move forward. They make peace and proceed to combine their powers to destroy the core, breaking the symbiote's hold over Peter for good.

Back in reality, Miles and the now depowered Martin Li found themselves surrounded by the symbiotes, and they saw Peter awaken with the new Anti-Venom symbiote emerging from his body, the result of Miles and Li's intervention that severed his connection to the symbiote hivemind. With Li's powers, Peter was able to take down all of these symbiotes.

After Peter defeated the symbiote horde, Li turned himself into authorities to pursue his redemption and decided to take a new path, promising the Spider-Men to "set things right, your way this time."



Seemingly those of the Mister Negative of Earth-616. Additionally, he can used the Darkforce to fire out highly destructive blasts of energy, enhance his speed, conjure up umbrakinetic constructs, and create a demon-shaped aura. His powers are augmented by his own hatred.


Seemingly those of the Mister Negative of Earth-616.



  • Corrupted Weapons


  • Helicopters
  • Reinforced APC Truck


  • Otto Octavius' audio logs reveal that Li's vengeful actions against Norman Osborn inspired himself to act as well.[1]

See Also

Links and References

