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Marvel Database

Quote1 Eye of Agamotto reveal the truth beneath his skin. Quote2
Doctor Strange

Appearing in "The End Has Just Begun..."

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Synopsis for "The End Has Just Begun..."

Adam Warlock defeats the Magus.

Meanwhile, Seth reveals himself as the traitor within the Knights Templar. Alongside Agony and Basilisk, he kills the remaining members of the council.

The Fantastic Four return to their headquarters, and find Moon Knight. He requests their help to cure his deteriorating body. Doctor Strange appears, and offers his help as well. Using the Eye of Agamotto, they discover that Moon Knight is possessed by a demon. Strange and Mister Fantastic struggle to contain the demon, finally managing to shoot him with a tranquilizer. They inform Moon Knight that they require a tissue sample from the infection source.

Back at his Shadowkeep, Moon Knight consults with the Shadow Cabinet. They plan to infiltrate Demogoblin's prison. Turning on the television news, they learn a rally is taking place outside the prison to protest the scheduled execution of John DeZoan.


This story takes place after Infinity War #6 and Web of Spider-Man #93.

See Also

Links and References

