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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Half-Life"

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Synopsis for "Half-Life"

Hobgoblin, in his demonic form, kills a mercenary. He declares his goal of killing other mercenaries as well.

Moon Knight spars with Frenchie. He thinks about their recent disagreement due to his newfound compassion.

Hobgoblin painfully transforms back and forth between his demonic form and human form. Meanwhile, Spider-Man searches the city for him. Hobgoblin finds and attacks Frenchie, but Spider-Man intervenes. When Hobgoblin escapes, Frenchie realizes he will be going after Marc Spector next. Hobgoblin arrives at Spector Manor and fights Moon Knight, while continuing to switch forms randomly.

Solicit Synopsis

Following recent events in Ghost Rider, the Hobgoblin is on the rampage, forcing Moon Knight to face this supernatural menace. Concluded in Web of Spider-Man.

See Also

Links and References

