Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I told you once before, Nazi... I am your better! But where I once showed you clemency... this time I have brought you nothing but death! Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Numerous mutants
    • Amy (First appearance)
  • Charles Xavier (Illusion or holographic simulation)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

The March To AXIS Continues!

• When Magneto discovers that mutants are being hauled away to a re-education camp, he goes to investigate…

• And when he discovers that the RED SKULL is behind the operation — and in possession of the brain and powers of his deceased ally and friend, Charles Xavier, no less — Magneto becomes determined to shut it down!

• But can the Master of Magnetism overcome the Red Skull and his terrifying S-Men?

See Also

Links and References

