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Marvel Database

Quote1 I am no mere monster, child. I am a survivor...and master of my circumstances! Quote2
—Slit-Mouthed Woman[src]


The woman who would be known as Kuchisake-onna, or the Slit-Mouthed Woman, was a courtesan in feudal Japan. Her lover, a drunken samurai, came to the belief she was having an affair and punished her by cutting her cheeks with his his katana. The poor woman was left homeless and became a beggar in the streets. Ignored by everyone, she was left in vulnerable state, leaving her to fall prey to a local vampire's attack. Transformed into a vampire, the woman was filled with bloodlust and vengeance, attacking individuals who wandered alone in secluded dark spaces and asking them if she was beautiful before attacking them.

Because of her appearance, the woman became known as the Slit-Mouthed Woman who preyed on poor humans alongside the evil Yokai. During the global invasion of vampires, the Kuchisake-onna lead the other vampires and yokai to attack the panicked citizens of Osaka without hiding themselves anymore. Encountering the mutant couple Psylocke and John Greycrow, Kuchisake-onna attacked the latter, attempting to cut him in half hadn't been for his metal parts. Psylocke battled Kuchisake-onna, using her psychic powers to learn of her backstory. Kuchisake-onna mocked Psylocke for trusting anyone, but she replied that the world wasn't aa cruel as they thought. Seeing that she was too far gone, Psylocke beheaded Kuchisake-onna to end her suffering.[1]



  • The Slit-Mouthed Woman wielded a giant pair of scissors to cut her victims.[1]

See Also

Links and References

