Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 Banner is not to blame for what happened in El Paso. But he knows the world would forever doubt his innocence...I have lived behind Banner's eyes. I have felt his rage and his pain. I share in those things more than I wish. So I must respect his will. And maybe someday...he shall find healing as well. He deserves it. We all do. Quote2
All-Father Thor

Appearing in "Hulk Vs. Thor - Banner of War: Part Five of Five"

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Synopsis for "Hulk Vs. Thor - Banner of War: Part Five of Five"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis


The time for victory has come! In the final installment of the epic crossover between the HULK and THOR series, Marvel's two heaviest hitters expend their rage on one final, brutal brawl that will answer once and for all which of these heroes is the strongest. But in a fight between gods, monsters and men, what becomes of the victor? The loser? And who really has the authority to decide? Revelations about Hulk's past and choices Thor makes about the future will shake the Marvel Universe to its very core!

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