Marvel Database

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Marvel Database


Howard was married to a pigeon caretaker named Sandra before becoming a widower. He continued to care for the pigeons in her memory. Years later, the pigeons escaped and he enlisted the help of Spider-Man (Peter Parker) to get them back.[1] About a year later, three of his pigeons were stolen. Using the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man App, he contacted Spider-Man (Miles Morales) to get them back.[2]

10 months later, knowing he was about to die, he summoned Spider-Men (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) one last time to tell him his story and ask him to lead all of his pigeons to a place where they could live freely, Spider-Man accepted and then called him back to tell him he left them in a park in Queens; hearing this, Howard expressed his gratitude to Peter and Miles before peacefully passing away, knowing his friends had a happy place to live in.[3]


See Also

Links and References

