Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I may hate cosmic ****, but I do dig these blasters. ... I had this set on stun, right? Quote2
Jack Flag

Appearing in "Prison Break"

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Synopsis for "Prison Break"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Star-Lord... trapped in jail... in the Negative Zone Prison... under attack from King Blastaar and his barbarian hordes! Will Rocket Raccoon and his new Guardians arrive in time to save their leader? Given their recent run of luck, probably not! Plus, cool art by Star Wars penciler Bong Dazo staggering revelations about Adam Warlock - as events continue to build to WAR OF KINGS! Surely you must be there for the next chapter of the series that has raving: "If you aren't reading GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY yet, now is the time to get a taste of the awesome that is Rocket Raccoon and the gang."

See Also

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