Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 This is Knowhere, baby. Don't let this total disaster fool you, we guard it... Quote2
Rocket Raccoon

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Who is this mysterious woman and how could she have taken out Gamora?

• Knowhere is in turmoil and, some would say, easy-pickings. Who’s going to take it all?


  • Letter Cory Petit continues the runner of putting ramblings about lunch behind alien dialogue from Guardians Team-Up Vol 1. Hala's deciphered dialogue in this issue:
    • page 2: "Burger?!"
    • page 3: "Where can I get one?"
    • page 4: "Just! Looking for some lunch ladies!!!"
    • page 5: "I'm guessing no seafood?", "Kkkre-eee!!!!"
    • page 6: "Hello I want to place an order?", "Hello, anyone?"
    • page 7: "nevermind on the seafood", "watch the hands"
    • page 14: "Maybe somewhere to get some steak!"
    • page 15: "With avacodo would be nice!", "but ham and cheese on rye would do!", "what now?!"
    • page 16: "No not vegan, Meat Meat!", "why is it so hard to get an order"
    • page 17: "oh come on", "man the food better be amazing here"

See Also

Links and References

