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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Someplace Other Than Here"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Unnamed dragon

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Glamour Machine

Synopsis for "Someplace Other Than Here"

The dragon explains to Skin that he rules the land since the Glamour Machine broke. Skin stands up to the dragon, asserting that his friends will repair the machine. He goes to get something to battle the dragon and learns from Grande Dame that the dragon consumes excess air with his flames to gain power. Skin decides to confront him.

In Cassidy Keep, Banshee and Emma argue, but they're interrupted by a troll attacking them. The troll reveals that the fairies use elves to operate the Glamour Machine.

Meanwhile, Synch and Chamber are taken to the elves' home. They hear Banshee's scream and use their powers to rescue him and Emma.

Back at the Glamour Machine, Skin battles the dragon. At first, Penance is only watching, but at some point she decides to use her sharp claws on the dragon. Jubilee worries about M, who suddenly takes action despite being catatonic and activates the machine. The group, including elves and fairies, confronts the Grande Dame while M fixes the Glamour Machine. But because it lacks a power source, Chamber enters the machine and activates it with his powers, saving the dimension.

See Also

Links and References

