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Marvel Database

Hemingway (Earth-616) from Generation X Vol 1 5 0001
Quote1 Doesn't look like much up close, Marrow. Kind of... Soft and squishy looking. Quote2
Emma Frost (Earth-616) from Generation X Vol 1 1 001
Emma Frost
Quote1 There are people who would argue those are two of my best characteristics, Hemingway. Quote2

Appearing in "Notes From The Underground"

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Synopsis for "Notes From The Underground"

Members of Gene Nation, Marrow and Hemingway, torture Emma as young Leech is involuntarily neutralizing her psychic powers. Meanwhile, Skin, Jubilee, Synch, and Artie attempt to locate Emma using Synch's aura-guidance.

Back at the school, Husk is drunk (because of dringking one beer) and Chamber helps her to her room, where she makes a pass at him.

In New York City, Emma confronts Marrow, questioning her twisted actions. The Gen X kids, watching helplessly due to Leech's power, witness Emma regain control after kicking Leech in the head rendering him unconcious. However, Jubilee and the other kids intervene, preventing Emma from killing Marrow and Hemingway.

In a secret laboratory, Dark Beast is observing the events and in displeasement detonates the room. Emma is saved by Skin, and M rescues Jubilee and Leech.

The group returns to the Xavier Institute, recovering from the ordeal. Emma and Professor X discuss Gene Nation's threat, suspecting someone behind their actions. The kids bond with Leech and Artie and share their plans to transfer them to the Massachusetts Academy. Jubilee searches for Wolverine who has been struggling with feral tendencies. After a heartfelt farewell, Jubilee returns to the school.

Meanwhile, Banshee once again attempts to communicate with Penance when Gateway appears, and a mysterious explosion occurs in the girls' dormitory — caused by Chamber's powers.


See Also

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