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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Teeth of the Hydra Upon You"

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Synopsis for "Teeth of the Hydra Upon You"

Gambit and Joelle use the stolen Hydra intel to break into a secret facility in Canada where Joelle says Strucker had developed a compound that will save her daughter. They have to fight a horde of armed Hydra zombies, but they successfully find the serum and then make a hasty getaway.

Tombstone finds Gambit’s ally Fence and threatens him with a knife if he doesn’t tell him where Gambit and Joelle are. Tombstone says Joelle is lying, and that the serum is actually a biological weapon.

When their snowmobile runs out of gas, Gambit and Joelle are forced to hunker down in the snow overnight, using each other for warmth. In the morning, a very displeased Rogue is standing over the two of them.

See Also

Links and References

