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Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Players and the Pawn!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Randall Chase


Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "The Players and the Pawn!"

Fourteen-year-old Angelica Jones is adjusting to her life as a student at the Massachusetts Academy. She's been assigned a personal bodyguard, Randall, a Hellfire Club henchman that has misgivings about how his boss does business but has to watch what he thinks around her as she's a telepath. Angelica particularly enjoys her time at the Academy's stables, where she's befriended a horse named Butter Rum. Frost has convinced Angelica to always wear a bracelet that she doesn't know is actually a "hallucinator" designed to make her see what Frost wants her to see. When Angelica is brought to the Academy's equivalent of the Danger Room for tests of her abilities, she's made to see images of the X-Men in the form of threats that she has to confront. Even though she currently refuses to hurt anyone with her powers, one particular Wolverine robot is rigged to explode in front of her so she thinks she caused it. Frost continues to train Angelica, developing her powers, as well as gaslighting her, using the hallucinator to give her nightmares about the X-Men, aiming to groom her into a perfect assassin for the Hellfire Club. One night, a school dance is arranged at the Academy that Frost invites the New Mutants to attend. Despite their distrust of the White Queen, the X-Men allows it and the night starts off well. Angelica and Sam Guthrie hit it off and she even experiences her first kiss with him. Unfortunately, that's when the White Queen strikes, sending a telepathic message to make her worry that she's endangering the boy's life, and when she runs to the stables, they're rigged to catch fire and Butter Rum dies thanks to Emma telepathically stopping his heart. Angelica is traumatized, thinking her powers and her lack of control over them are responsible.


  • Takes place some time between New Mutants #17 and Uncanny X-Men #193, as the New Mutants have already faced the Hellions once, but the X-Men have not yet faced Firestar as a member of the Hellions.

See Also

Links and References

