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Marvel Database


Dr. Farley Stillwill was a scientist who earned PhDs in molecular biology and biochemistry. He worked as an adjunct professor at Empire State University, who published a thesis about his Neogenics theory, which was not very popular to such a point where the word "Neogenics" did not take off at all, resulting in Stillwell being dismissed as a crackpot in many social circles in spite of his successes. Eventually, he was fired for running unethical experiments and misusing laboratory equipment. Stillwell relocated to Madripoor, where he continued running his experiments in Lowtown, until he was driven to leave for New York after receiving unwanted attention from local gangs. There was suspicion that he was being funded by Trask Industries, but upon further investigation there was no relation. Since his return to New York City, he had received popularity on numerous conspiracy and pseudo-science forums. The Daily Bugle eventually published an exposé on fringe sciences pertaining to Stillwell.[2]

Daily Bugle editor-in-chief J. Jonah Jameson had been made aware of Stillwell by the exposé, and hired the scientist, bankrolling his experiment to empower MacDonald Gargan in order to take down Spider-Man. According to Jameson, however, Stillwell was so hungry for money that he failed to take the necessary precautions of the procedure, which thus resulted in the treatment deteriorating Gargan's sanity and transforming him into the super villain known as the Scorpion.[1]


See Also

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