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Quote1 I'm done trying. The world doesn't want me. I don't know why, but I'm tired of asking. It used to scare me, so I made myself get over the fear. But I held onto the hope. It's the hope that's killing me. But I'm done with all that. My father told me I was less than nothing. And when I showed him he was wrong, they threw me in a cage. There's nothing for me out there. You're the only thing I've got. I don't care where you go. I'll follow. If something's calling you, we'll answer it together. If we have to burn the whole world down to make you whole, we burn it down. Quote2
ā€”Janine Godbe[src]


Facing Her Past[]

Elizabeth had been abused by her father until one day she killed him in self-defense, so she fled and changed her identity.[1] As "Janine", she met Ben Reilly in Salt Lake City, Utah.[7] The two began a relationship and eventually shared their secrets with each other, Ben accepting Janine despite her past crime and Janine teasingly calling Ben 'Spider-Man' after he explained his origin as a clone. With another clone named Kaine on the loose and Janine fearing for her freedom due to her father's murder, she and Ben decided to live on the road.[1]

Benjamin Reilly (Earth-616) and Elizabeth Tyne (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Redemption Vol 1 3 001

Living together with Ben

Eventually, they settled in Santa Cruz, where they lived for a while, but Kaine, jealous that Ben had found happiness, caught up to them and kidnapped Janine while Ben wasn't home. Kaine had no desire to hurt Janine, so he promised to let her live if she left Ben alone, telling her Ben was better off with her. After she agreed, Kaine made her fake her suicide.[4]

A while later, Janine received an invitation to meet Ben, who was back in New York operating as Spider-Man. Eager to be reunited with him, she paid him a visit, but Ben was caught by surprise, since he still believed her to be dead. After a confrontation with Kaine, who was revealed to have orchestrated the reunion, Janine was apparently killed,[8] but it was soon revealed to be another of Kaine's ruses.[4] Finally, following Ben's final confrontation with Kaine, Janine confessed to the murder of her father to the police and turned herself in, after Ben's words to Kaine convinced her that she had to accept what she had done and face the consequences.[9]


Benjamin Reilly (Earth-616) and Elizabeth Tyne (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 74 001

Back together

Janine served time for many years at Bedford Falls Correctional Facility, until she was approached by Beyond Corporation representative Marcus Momplaisir to relocate her into their custody at a minimum security facility. Initially refusing, Janine agreed when Marcus mentioned reuniting with Ben Reilly. Once freed and outside, she finally met Ben again and the two swung off to their home, ignorant to her freedom being a means for Beyond Corp to hold onto Ben's loyalty as their corporate Spider-Man. When living at Beyond Tower in New York City, Janine grew increasingly uncomfortable with her gilded cage and being "advised" by Marcus to remind Ben of his contractual obligations whenever he went radio silent. After Ben brought Peter to the hospital after their fight with the U-Foes, she comforted Ben until he felt better, and later voiced her concerns when it was appropriate.[10]

After Ben's capture of the U-Foes, his continued work as Spider-Man still brought up concerns in Janine about his well-being, despite his reassurances and her voicing her feeling confined by their life under Beyond. Her concerns were later proven valid when Ben had led Morbius to their apartment for the Langston A.I. defenses to stop the living vampire's pursuit, and she was left helpless while Ben was sent to the E.R. in Beyond Tower. While he recovered and the two tried having positive together time,[11] Ben's encounter with Kraven left her increasingly worried, being unable to reach him during his captivity and battle. While Marcus tried stalling her with routine jargon, Janine's patience grew increasingly thin whereby she threatened bodily harm to Marcus should Ben be in terrible condition.[12] With Ben's safe return and medical examination, Janine's worry for Ben remained but lessened.[13]

While Janine was proud to see the good Ben was doing as Spider-Man in the news, she couldn't help feeling still imprisoned at Beyond despite the luxury of their home.[14] When going out for a date, she was exasperated but understanding of Ben's need to leave to stop Doc Ock and rendezvoused with him later at their apartment, where he covertly passed to her Beyond's master hard drive.[15] While Ben was in session with Dr. Ashley Kafka, Janine read the contents within the drive, learning Beyond's covert corruptions which included their playing the U-Foes to remove Peter as Spider-Man. Under close observation, Janine took Marcus hostage to escape[16] and went to Mary Jane for help.[17] However, Beyond found her at the Daily Bugle and sent new villain Queen Goblin to successfully destroy the evidence. While Ben arrived and stunned the villain, he single-mindedly saved Janine foremost[18] before updating her of Beyond's editing away his memories from Peter. Hoping to stop Beyond's evil, she directs Ben to the covert supervillain department in Staten Island before having Ben drop her off at McCarthy to ask Peter's help.[19]

Although Janine headed to a motel for rendezvousing with Ben, she instead reconsidered and decided to act[20] for Ben's sake, and met with Ben at Beyond Tower as they moved to end the company's threat.[21] While Janine rescued Marcus from a kill squad, they had to evacuate upon learning of the cover-up protocols being activated. She and Marcus parted to rescue a different Spider-Man, with Marcus successfully saving Peter while Janine had to later wade through psycho-reactive goo to find Ben in the sewer system. The months later were difficult as they had to resort to living in near-squalor hiding from Beyond, as well as Ben struggling with his mental rupture, renaming himself as Chasm much to Janine's worry.[22]

Dark Web[]

Hallows' Eve Vol 1 1 Artgerm Virgin Variant

Janine as Hallows' Eve

Some time later, Janine was still living with Ben, who had started raiding Beyond safe houses to steal their tech. Feeling Limbo calling and the need to get his memories back, Ben began assembling a transportation device that allowed him to travel to Limbo. Janine felt unsure of Ben's plan and started thinking of leaving him. But, upon being reminded how she was nothing more than her father's killer, Janine promised to help him.[2]

After Ben had joined forces with Madelyne Pryor, then ruler of Limbo, Janine told her about her insecurities and how she wanted to help Ben more. Using the magic from the finger of S'ym, Madelyne gave her the power to do so and Janine then joined them as Hallows' Eve, while the three of them continued to live in Limbo.[2] With Ben's plan in motion, Hallows' Eve teamed-up with Pryor to manipulate the enthralled Venom into helping them in their plan. However, they lost control of him when he detected Spider-Man in the vicinity.[23] Once Peter had defeated Venom, Hallows' Eve wanted to destroy him but was quelled by Goblin Queen, as they needed to retake Venom, and Ben had returned to resume fighting his genetic progenitor.[24]



Endowed with magic by the finger of S'ym, Janine as Hallows' Eve can create masks with different powers and effects.[2] Such masks were described as:

  • A mask to curse them.[2]
  • A mask to bleed them.[2]
  • A mask to splinter bone.[2]
  • The mask of Frankenstein's Monster can grant her the abilities of Frankenstein's Monster.[25]
  • An insect mask inspired by Human Fly can grant her the abilities of Human Fly.[26]
  • The mask of a Werewolf can grant her the appearance and abilities of a Werewolf.[27]
  • The Model Mask can grant her the appearance of a Hollywood Icon.[28]
  • The Ghost Mask can grant her the intangibility and invisibility of a ghost.[28]
  • The Black Cat Mask.[29]
  • The Police Officer Mask can grant her the appearance of a police officer.[30]
  • The Gorilla Mask gives her the ability to transform into a gorilla and have the strength of one.[31]
  • The Mummy Mask allows her to transform into a mummy and manipulate projectile wraps.[31]
  • The Witch Mask grants her the ability to use and cast magic spells. Hollow's Eve was shown to be able to cast a forcefield and telekinetic spell to retrieve her masks.[31]


From years of running and time in prison, Janine has developed a perception for liars and dangers around others. Knowing when Marcus was lying to her about Ben's condition[32] and when a bounty hunter faked being a coffee stand employee to get close to her for capture.[2]



  • As Hallows' Eve, Janine wears a ragged orange hood adorned with pumpkin buckles connected to a tattered scarf. She dresses in a black unitard with a black domino mask presenting yellow glowing pupils, wearing matching orange sleeves and thigh-high boots with flame patterns where they meet the black unitard. Along her side is a satchel which conjures a different mask with different powers.[2]
  • Web-Shooters[26]

See Also

Links and References

