Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Infinity Countdown Black Widow Vol 1 1 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 Listen very carefully… You have to find him and you have to get him out of the country. Cash yourselves out and move to Paris or Argentina. Both of you. You can’t fight this. Quote2
Franklin Nelson (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 605 001
Foggy Nelson
Quote1 I don’t know where he is. Quote2
Infinity Countdown Black Widow Vol 1 1 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 Then you leave. Do it now. Quote2
Franklin Nelson (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 605 001
Foggy Nelson
Quote1 I can’t just leave him. Quote2
Infinity Countdown Black Widow Vol 1 1 Textless
Black Widow
Quote1 You're going to go to jail. And Matt can't help you. And no one's going to help him. Half because people generally suck and half because Matt has pushed everyone away. There's nothing standing in between you and this. Let me get you out of the country. Quote2
Franklin Nelson (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 605 001
Foggy Nelson
Quote1 I- I can’t just leave him. Quote2

Appearing in "The Murdock Papers: Part 2"

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Synopsis for "The Murdock Papers: Part 2"

The Kingpin's story about Matt Murdock being DD hits the stands just as Matt is reconciling with his estranged wife, Milla.

See Also

Links and References

