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The Crimson Cosmos was the dimension of Cyttorak.[1]

Set in the Outer Planes (also known as the Consecution of Colours), the Crimson was a harsh and beautiful realm of scarlet deserts and ruby volcanoes pouring rust-colored ash into a sky seemingly always caught in a breathtaking sunset.[2] Overall, it was a mountainous dimension, where the rock and skies had a reddish color, and where volcanoes and sulfurous geysers eruptions were frequent.[1]

The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak was a path between Earth's dimension and the Crimson Cosmos.

The Crimson Dawn, a mystic realm, was adjacent to the Crimson Cosmos, though the nature of their connection is unrevealed.[2]


See Also

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Marvel Tarot #1 ; Planes Prelude
  2. 2.0 2.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #12 ; Mystic Dimensions - From the Journals of Ian McNee: The Outer Planes (The Consecution of Colours), Crimson Cosmos' entry