Marvel Database

Due to recent developments, please be aware that the use of large language model or generative AIs in writing article content is strictly forbidden. This caveat has now been added to the Manual of Style and Blocking Policy.


Marvel Database

A "stub" is an article that fails to sufficiently cover relevant information about the subject and requires expansion.

Classification and Treatment of Stubs

All articles for in-story elements lacking information in its History section and articles for published material lacking information in its Synopsis section are automatically classified as stubs. If the History or Synopsis section provided is notably incomplete, the page can be tagged as a stub manually by adding {{Stub}} before the article template. All stub pages will display a standardized message urging Marvel Database users to expand the stub, after which the {{Stub}} message can be removed.

Not every short article is a stub: a very short article may still be fully comprehensive if its subject only played a minor in the storyline. Variants of prominent characters who only appear as cameos within their respective alternate reality may have no information about them apart from the fact that they exist. Likewise, not all missing information makes the article a stub: lacking updates for several major storylines will not make the article a stub if the general overview or the earlier history of the subject are covered in sufficient detail.

Low-quality Article Creation

Extremely low-quality articles are classified as one rank below the stubs and can be deleted if not expanded within 2 weeks since their creation. Low-quality article creation involves filling only the bare minimum of the appropriate infobox fields, leaving multiple fields that would provide unique information about the subject empty. Users who create such pages are to be given a warning on their Message Wall, notifying that the page(s) will be deleted if not improved.

Articles that fail to properly utilize a template do not serve any purpose on the Marvel Database and may be deleted on sight.
