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Marvel Database

Quote1 And when the Crimson Hour rolls over this earth, it shall bring truth, judgement...and carnage. Quote2
—The Flame[src]


At some point in his life The Flame founded an unnamed cult of arsonists and came into conflict with Police Officer Yuri Watanabe, he investigated her and learned who she was, taunting her for not being able to catch him, when Yuri got close to arrest him and his cult, he managed to escape, but not before killing his followers, who "let him" do it, in order to leave no witnesses to the police.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2[]

A few years later, The Flame founded a new cult called the Followers of the Flame.


  • Chad Doreck provided the voice of The Flame.
  • Yuri mentions that "Cletus Kasady" is one of his known assumed names along with "Walter Wachtman" and "Archie Abel" implying that Cletus Kasady isn't The Flame's real name.


  • The Flame's portrayal as a cult leader revered by his followers seems to have been based on Kasady's portrayal in the Absolute Carnage event.
  • The Flame's title is ironic, as fire is traditionally one of symbiotes greatest weaknesses. However, as shown in the game, the symbiotes of Earth-1048 are immune to fire.
  • The Flame is notable for being the first adaptation of Carnage to use the name "Cletus Kasady" as an alias, rather than it being his real name.

See Also

Links and References

