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Marvel Database

The Celestial Order of the Si-Fan was an ancient secret society, the most sinister secret society that ever existed. A world-wide invisible empire, that was born in Asia, and spread its tentacles to the four corners of the Earth. It had its fingers in both legitimate businesses and criminal enterprises, and its goal was global domination/conquest. Since the late 19th century, it had pledged its allegiance to Fu Manchu.[3][7][13][14][15][16]

Si-Fan and its affiliated groups has had bases in a wide variety of locations, including Egypt,[2] Afghanistan[12] London's Limehouse district (for more than a century),[17] China, South America, the United States of America, in Earth's orbit, Africa, and in the Arctic region. In addition to standard members of the Si-Fan, they have also had high-tech commandos,[18] assassins,[19] martial arts masters, and cybernetically-enhanced ninjas.[11] It possessed a globe-spanning army of highly trained assassins. Compared to these masters of death, the hitmen of the underworld were novices.[14][7] The branches of the Si-Fan were organized as Tongs (Lodges), each of which was headed by a Dragonhead or Shan Chu (Lodgemaster).[3][7][20]


Since the day that Fu Manchu has led the Si-Fan, they have focused on one overriding goal in his service, global domination via mind control of political leaders, bringing about a global apocalypse, or simple terror. The first major operation involved controlling the minds of the representatives of the League of Nations in 1933.[21] After World War 2, Si-Fan kidnapped and brainwashed the UN representatives of the United States and China to get them to go to war with each other.[22] Afterwards, Si-Fan executed Fu Manchu's boldest operation ever, the attempt to knock the Moon out of its orbit to bring about natural disasters throughout the Earth.[23]

Upon the return of Fu Manchu then brought together several shadowy and criminal secret societies (Thugees[24] -ritual murders members of the Cult of Kali,[12] also part of Si-Fan-[2] Leopard Cult, Three-Cornered Sight, Hashishin, Twenty-Third Sect, Light-Seekers, Templars, Phansigars, Followers of the Left-Hand Path, and his own Celestial Order of the Si-Fan) under an umbrella secret society, the Order of the Golden Dawn.[24] Using these new assets he attempted to sow chaos and a World War 3 via using mind control on UN representatives, creating "UFO" incidents, and attempting to detonate a nuclear weapon in New York before being stopped by Shang-Chi.[24][25][26] Si-Fan guards were present at Fu Manchu's fortress in China, when Shang-Chi assaulted the base to confront Fu Manchu but where unable to prevent its destruction or the apparent death of Fu Manchu.[27] Later they defended Shang-Chi's mother when she confronted him about letting Fu Manchu died and shamed him.[28]

Years later, Shang-Chi took temporary control of the Si-Fan and they agreed to stop being assassins until Fu Manchu returned.[10] Upon the return of Fu Manchu, the Si-Fan were involved in the operation to use the Hellfire lightning weapon to destroy population centers and blackmail the world.[18] Whenever Fu-Manchu was thought dead, his criminal empire split into factions: Sleeping Dragon Clan (led by Chiang Kai-Dong), Steel Lotus Group (led by Hsien Ming-Ho), Wild Tiger Mob (led by Deng Ling-Xiao) and Coiled Serpent Syndicate (led by Mao Liu-Cho).[29], while Si-Fan was under the command of Kingpin, who implemented a clan of Cyber-Ninjas.[11] His daughter Zheng Bao Yu teamed up with Deng Ling-Xiao and Wild Tiger Mob and together they marketed a drug called Wild Tiger, the cartel was dismantled by Shang-Chi.[30][31][32]

It was later revealed by Shi-Hua that the Si-Fan, along with the Order of the Golden Dawn and Order of the Hai-Dai were aliases used for the Five Weapons Society, much like how Fu Manchu was an alias for Zheng Zu.[6]



Cybernetics,[33] mind control devices,[34] orbiting satellite,[25]


Nuclear weapons,[35][38] chemical warfare agent,[39] directed energy cannons,[40] stealth bombers,[41] lightning weapon,[18] giant mutated arthropods (e.g. spiders, praying mantis, scorpions),[42][27] high-tech firearms (comparable to Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D.),[43] mutated human-animal hybrids.[44]


space station,[35] jetpacks,[15] space shuttle,[35] "UFOs" (submersible aerial vehicles),[25] submarine,[22] dragon airship,[36] stealth aircraft,[37]


  • In Chinese culture, Tongs are the "Lodges" (Meeting Hall) and Shan Chu (aka, the Dragonhead) is the Lodgemaster.
  • In Sax Rohmer's novels, Si-Fan, Dacoits and Thugees are groups that serve Fu Manchu, although in real life, Thugees and Phansigars refer to the same group, in the comics they were portrayed as distinct.[45] These groups were brought together in Order of the Golden Dawn.[46] Thugees are recognized as worshipers of the Goddess Kali, this connection is not shown in the comics, however, in the Marvel Atlas, it is said that Thugees are part of the Cult of Kali and of the Si-Fan,[12] and that the Cult of Kali itself is part of the Si-Fan.[2]
  • In the first stories, the Si-Fan were similar to their counterpart in Sax Rohmer's novels, over time, they came to be portrayed as a ninja clan, although ninjas originate from Japan and not from China.
  • It is unclear whether the Celestial Order of the Hai-Dai is another name for the Celestial Order of the Si-Fan (to further distancing the modern Zheng Zu from his Fu Manchu origin as non-Marvel-created content), or if they are an independent group.

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ Marvel Atlas #1 ; China's profile
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Marvel Atlas #2 ; Egypt's profile
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Special Marvel Edition #15
  4. ↑ X-Men (Vol. 2) #62
  5. ↑ Elektra (Vol. 2) #16
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 Shang-Chi #2
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Master of Kung Fu #27
  8. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #100
  9. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #52
  10. ↑ 10.0 10.1 Master of Kung Fu: Bleeding Black #1
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 X-Men (Vol. 2) #63
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Marvel Atlas #1 ; Afghanistan's profile
  13. ↑ Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #2
  14. ↑ 14.0 14.1 Master of Kung Fu #21
  15. ↑ 15.0 15.1 Master of Kung Fu #47
  16. ↑ Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #4
  17. ↑ Marvel Atlas #1 ; United Kingdom's profile
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #6
  19. ↑ Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu #1
  20. ↑ Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu #4
  21. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #81
  22. ↑ 22.0 22.1 Kung Fu Special #1
  23. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #49–50
  24. ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 Master of Kung Fu #83
  25. ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 Master of Kung Fu #86
  26. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #89
  27. ↑ 27.0 27.1 Master of Kung Fu #118
  28. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #123
  29. ↑ X-Men (Vol. 2) #62–63
  30. ↑ Journey Into Mystery #514
  31. ↑ Journey Into Mystery #515
  32. ↑ Journey Into Mystery #516
  33. ↑ X-Men (Vol. 2) #63–64
  34. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #84
  35. ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 Master of Kung Fu #50
  36. ↑ Black Panther (Vol. 4) #11
  37. ↑ Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #3
  38. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #88–89
  39. ↑ Marvel Knights #4
  40. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #49
  41. ↑ Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #5–6
  42. ↑ Master of Kung Fu #116
  43. ↑ X-Men (Vol. 2) #62–64
  44. ↑ Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #4
  45. ↑ Cult of Kali at the Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  46. ↑ Order of the Golden Dawn at the Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe