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List of all notable quotes by or about Kwannon (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1  -- Because I AM Betsy Braddock! This woman is -- and always has been -- an impostor!!! Quote2
—X-Men Vol 2 20
Quote1 I told you I was telling the truth! Quote2
—X-Men Vol 2 21
Quote1 Because you were fighting instead of dancing. You're smart enough to hate comfort... You're a soldier and you need a war... You're a predator and you need a hunt. None of us have a place in paradise. Quote2
—Fallen Angels Vol 2 1
Quote1 Then take me to your hell. Elizabeth Braddock was the hero. I was the shell. I can teach you about war, Cable. And I can teach you about rage. But goodness I'll have to learn from both of you. We'll leave tonight. Take only what you need. We'll save who we can. Quote2
—Fallen Angels Vol 2 2
Quote1 I was given a vision to stop this. Right now, that's the only purpose I have. I have no place in Krakoa. I don't even have my own name. I don't... I have this war. This enemy. Quote2
—Fallen Angels Vol 2 3
Quote1 You're right. I am being led. But so is all of Krakoa. You're all figments of Xavier's vision. He gave you freedom, and he took your will. Whatever this is, I have to find the source of it. That is my will. It is the only thing that leads me. And those children won't die tonight. You coming? Quote2
—Fallen Angels Vol 2 4
Quote1 You did a good thing. You can do good things. I can. Quote2
—Fallen Angels Vol 2 6
Quote1 Stand down! You both talk too loud. But you're right about two things. This is not Betsy Braddock. And you are going to need a real psychic to watch your back here before you get yourselves killed. Quote2
—Excalibur Vol 4 18
Quote1 ...This was never neat between us, Betsy Braddock. It isn't to be solved. It merely is. You have to come with me. Quote2
—Excalibur Vol 4 19
Quote1 Nothing yet from their system. But I've bad news anyway. Some of us have already been implanted with Broodlings. Quote2
—Captain Marvel Vol 10 45
Quote1 Darkness has fallen, John Greycrow. And now all of Japan's monsters, ancient and modern, run rampant. Quote2
—X-Men: Blood Hunt - Psylocke Vol 1 1
Quote1 Mercy is my name. But it is not my way. Quote2
—Kwannon (Earth-616)

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